57 | alone with you

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Elena's POV

The blonde waitress from earlier is gawking at Jungkook. I've had my eye on her for the past fifteen minutes and yet she's still shamelessly staring at him like there's no tomorrow. It angers me that other girls pay attention to him like this—it has always been this way. Women falling on their knees for a man like Jungkook. And he is one who never lets an opportunity like this go to waste. Maybe now that we are officially together I won't have to be insecure about this.

Only, I can't stop worrying.

And I know that the problem is me.

I am the one who thinks of the worst case scenario.

Jungkook literally went of his way to come here tonight in order to make things right with both Joy and Yoongi and here I am being insecure for no reason. If he didn't really care, he wouldn't even be here with me at this moment.

What's worse is that the blonde is pretty. She's a walking hourglass and I'm like a surfing board in comparison.

"By the way, that blonde waitress is still staring at you." I start. "And honestly, I'm not blaming her."

He shrugs and makes a face. "Nah, she's not looking at me."

"Why, who else could she be possibly looking at right now?" I let out an accidental snort.

Jungkook comes closer and tucks a strand behind my ear. "You."

"I find that hard to believe."

He sighs because of my stubbornness. "She's looking at you because she wishes to be at your place right now." And with that said his lips crash against mine.

The taste of beer and wheat and mint overwhelms my senses. His lips feel soft yet slightly dry because of the cold. I brush my tongue over his bottom lip and he sucks on it. He deepens the kiss and his hands latch onto my hips while I try my best not to collapse because of the powerful effect he has on me.

One touch is all it takes for me to melt.

One kiss is all it takes for me to forget all about my surroundings.

Damn, well that blonde sure as hell wants to be at my place right now.

The way he's looking at me is like I'm the only woman in the room. And I can't stop gazing into his soulful eyes. Even if I avert my glance he's there. Even when he's not in my peripheral vision he is always there.

He is always circling around in my head. My head space is totally submerged with thoughts of him. It's almost scary. I have no clue if Jungkook thinks of me as much as I do.

"In case you're feeling worried and paranoid just know that the only person in this room I'm most interested in is you."

We leave the pub around eleven thirty and decide that it's time to part ways. Yoongi isn't one to stay up late unless it's for his studies or work.

"Alright guys, I'll see you guys Monday." Yoongi says. "I hate to admit this but hanging out with you Jeon isn't that bad."

Joy stays quiet and I narrow my eyes at Jungkook.

"I—I have to say something," he begins. "I need to apologize to Joy."

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