11 | a two way to pleasure part 1

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"Eye Candy, you're up at room B22." Mark calls and I slip into my skyscraper heels. I know it in my heart that Jungkook is here right now waiting for me to arrive so that he can toy with my feelings and my body. I'm heading to the private rooms corridor. Before I enter, I straighten my black crop corset and taking a deep breath I enter the room and see Jungkook. I was ready to confront him and start an argument with him when I notice someone else there with him. I immediately identify who he is. His brown black hair, squarish face shape, protruding nose Bridge and most importantly that strong build of his.

Jungkook's best friend, Kim Taehyung.

"Hello, Eye Candy." Jungkook says with a smirk. "As you can see, I brought company."

I can see it with my own eyes, thank you very much asshole. "I see." I say through gritted teeth. That bastard! He must have anticipated that I would find out about his agreement with Yoongi and Jimin. And now here he is, toying with my patience. He even brought Taehyung to prove a point.

"Jungkook claims that you're very skilled at what you do. He also says that you're an exceptional pole dancer." Taehyung says in a deep voice.

"Yeah, but remember she doesn't sell sex." Jungkook adds for good measure. How kind of him to respect my policy for once. He takes a step towards me and stretches his hand out to me flashing me a warning glare. I grab it nonetheless for the sake of keeping my identity a secret.

"You're shy, that's cute." Taehyung says as Jungkook sits us down on a leather poof. He positions me onto his lap and his lips graze my ear.

"Behave yourself." He whispers and I'm trying my hardest not to turn around and claw his eyes out. Then his hands are on my thighs separating them to Taehyung's view. His fingers are roaming on my inner thigh as they reach my crotch. He slides the fabric away and he palms my sex making me breathe out embarrassed. Jungkook kisses my neck gently and nibbles slightly at the area close to my ear. I close my eyes and moan while his other hand tilts my neck towards his face. He kisses me on the lips in a deep sensual way, his long tongue caressing mine. The sound of a belt unbuckling makes me get my senses back and my eyes open.

Taehyung is seated across us on the couch stroking his member with his big hand. His neck is arched and I can see his veins protrude even in this low lighting. A layer of sweat courses his skin and his low groans sound so hot. Jungkook suddenly rubs my folds and inserts his digits inside my pussy thrusting in and out while he kisses my shoulder blade. I buckle my hips and start grinding against his fingers when he suddenly stops and his free hand steadies my hip.

"Don't move baby, keep still." He says and purposely positions me on top of his bulging crotch. I can feel his member point at my butt. My hands travel to his head and I grab his coal black hair positioning him on my neck.

"Kiss me," I say and he grins against my skin. He pecks my neck then licks his way up to my jawline. I hiss and Jungkook starts fingering me in a faster pace. I moan loudly and he kisses the shell of my ear.

"Want me to mark you baby girl?" He asks. I know that he'd do it either way whether he had my consent or not.

"Yes," I say, the raspiness and the desperation in my own voice surprising me. Then Jungkook starts nipping at my neck, his teeth bitting on my sensitive skin sending heatwaves all over my body making me feel every single touch down to my core. He then draws his digits out, lifts me slightly and turns me around to face him. I whine at the sudden interruption.

"You don't feel embarrassed when a man fingers you in front of another one?" Jungkook asks and I can feel his hard crotch against my soft sex. I can't help myself, I'm so fucking horny right now that I can't think straight. Wrapping my arms around him I start grinding against his crotch imagining that it's his cock that pushes through me nice and hard.

"She doesn't look embarrassed to me." I can hear Taehyung groan as I continue to grind against Jungkook. "Are you sure she doesn't fuck for money?" He asks.

"Yes," I rasp not stopping. I'm soaking wet down there, so I slip my fingers-

Jungkook grabs my wrist. "Did I say you can touch yourself?"

"No." I manage and he grins.

"However, I think that she sincerely enjoys your touch Jungkook." Taehyung smirks and Jungkook looks at me with a foxy grin.

Dream. On. I mouth. But his grin intensifies.

"Oh I know she does." Jungkook says attempting to provoke me. "In fact I'm her favorite customer."

"So you come here often then?" Taehyung observes.

"Only when I'm bored." Jungkook replies.

"Then you must be bored a lot." His friend counters.

"Look she's a good fuck that's all." Jungkook retorts and that somehow makes me feel bitter.

"Can you two lovebirds settle your personal issues outside this room?" I say and Jungkook looks at me angrily. "Otherwise, let me give you the time of your life."

"Darling, I don't wish to offend you but you've been grinding against my friend's crotch and neglected my presence entirely." Taehyung says and I raise a brow.

I get up from Jungkook's lap and walk towards Taehyung on the couch. Jungkook is looking at me with a pissed off expression and I can't help but smile at it. I came up with an idea to trigger Jungkook even more and make him lose his patience the same way I did.

I am going to ignore his sorry ass throughout the night.

And I'll be focusing entirely on the company he brought.

Tit for tat Jungkook.

"I'm sorry," I purr like a kitten at Taehyung. "Maybe that wasn't very professional on my account since I'm very familiar with Jungkook. I can make it up to you, if you want." I say batting my long curled lashes at him.

Taehyung just grins like a pirate and he reaches for my cheek with his enormous hand. After caressing my smooth skin, he grabs my hand and pulls me down in such a way that I'm facing his throbbing member.

"What exactly do you have in mind?" He smirks and I bite my lip. I can hear Jungkook snort behind me.

"I think it's fair if I showed you." I say tilting my red coated lips upwards. Then I slowly lower Taehyung's pants and Calvin Klein boxers making his penis spring out freely. Then taking it in my hand I start stroking it, liking the way he rolled his eyes up to the ceiling and running his hand through his hair. I feel the blood rushing through his member while I trace every vein until I reach the tip and stroke it in circular motions. Pre-cum leaks from the tip and Taehyung gasps.

"I can't wait for you to use your mouth to make me cum." He manages and I breathe out a laugh.

"Your wish is my command." I say and tilt my head backwards only to see Jungkook watching me with a devilish expression on display. Why isn't he doing anything? Why isn't he jerking off or dying from jealousy? He must think I'm intimidated by the presence of two men who desire to use a woman to satisfy their needs. Well, he can't be anymore wrong, I have too much experience on that particular department.

When I lower my head to suck Taehyung's cock, I can hear Jungkook cough behind me and I turn my head slightly.

You won't suck him off. He mouths to me and I only grin.

Watch me. I mouth back and return to Taehyung's cock. Stroking him some more, I run my tongue on his wet tip only to make him groan. Then I lower my mouth on his long rod and my gag reflexes take charge as I start sucking on Taehyung's member. He groans and his head falls back from the pleasure I'm giving him motivating me to suck harder and lower. I use my tongue to massage and caress his cock until I deep throat him and I can barely breathe. I can sense Jungkook's eyes on me and that makes me want to give his best friend the time of his life so that I can give him a fragment of how bad he made me feel. More pre cum leaks in my mouth and I suddenly pull out panting. Taehyung looks at me with a slightly worn out expression and that arouses me even more than it should.

Then I can feel someone's rough hands lift me up and I turn around to face Jungkook.

"You're not done yet Eye Candy." He says with a devilish smirk. "You have yet to pleasure me."

I did say I'm a tormenter. Cliffhanger for yall. Until next time💜

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