67 | chain of memories part 2

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Jungkook's POV

15 years ago...
Current location: Busan
(Jungkook is 7 yrs old)

I always looked down on how moms and dads tend to hold their children's wrist when they crossed the street.

And every time it's the same situation.

A woman in her early thirties is adjusting her brown messenger bag while her son is standing restless next to her. His foot is tapping on the pavement and his slit eyes are nailing the traffic light. I notice how the muscles of his jaw move up and down in a chewing motion.

God, this boy is chewing the gum so loud I can hear him from across the street. I think he's probably a year or two older than me, but that doesn't help his case. He's wearing overalls and a light blue shirt with airplanes underneath-is that his pyjama shirt? He looks like he's still eating his boogers.

He's annoying. And truth to be told most kids are mischievous.

It has been a while since the last time I chewed gum. Everytime I chew on something for a long time, my front tooth hurts.

A monotonous ring tone suddenly echoes and the mother of Booger Eater is looking through her bag. I can see several folders and textbooks inside. Judging from her long white dress with black stripes and her cardigan, my guess is that this woman is a teacher. And from her ballerina flats, I conclude that she's an elementary school teacher. Her black hair is tied and her bangs are clipped away from her face. Wrinkles stretch out where her cheek and mouth meet, so she probably smiles a lot. But she's not smiling right now. She seems very passive and indifferent around her son.

This woman loves her job. Probably more than her own son.

The boy wanders off and walks alongside the pavement while waiting for the light to turn green.

The mother finally finds her flip phone. "Come back here Yun-Bok!" She says then picks up the call, but the boy doesn't pay any attention. Instead, he paces towards the old man that sells hot dogs further down. "Hold on a second." His mom says on the phone and hurries towards the hot dog truck where PJ Overalls is. He's practically salivating at all the delicious goodies the man is selling.

My tummy makes a gurgling sound.

I'm hungry too.

The traffic light goes green.

"Kookie it's time to cross," Mommy chines and I nod. She raises her pinky and I hold onto it as we cross the street.

I always hold her pinky finger when we go on a walk, or when she picks me up from school.

"Yun-Bok!" The mother snaps and Drooling Boy turns around wide eyed. "I thought I told you to come back."

"Eomma, I'm hungry." He mutters.

She takes out a bill form her pocket and gives it to the old man inside. "One hot dog please." She says and he gives one to her. "Done. Now don't run off again."

Jesus. She's talking to him like some sort of commander. I feel sorry for him.

She grips his wrist.

Lame Hair is desperately trying to pull away. He tries to unhook her fingers from around his wrist only for her to tighten them even more. It's hard to do that when he's holding a hot dog on his other hand. I can feel the pain he's feeling just by looking at his face.

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