46 | stay

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Jungkook's eyes fall on my strap that slid down my shoulder, revealing nothing but bare skin underneath. My nipples become erect under the silk fabric because of his attention and his fierceness-he doesn't have to touch me to have an effect on me. One short glance is all it takes to make me deliquesce in his arms.

He shifts me on his lap, his hands hovering on my hips, traveling downwards on my hips. He grabs me and with one swift movement he lifts me on the kitchen island. My mind immediately flashes back to my birthday when Jungkook and I made out on this very same spot and he gave me that scarlet lipstick I adore so much.

Flashing me a devil may care smile he says "You think I don't know what you're trying to accomplish?"

I blink, feigning ignorance "What do you mean?"

Jungkook's hands settle on each side of my hips as he leans in. His eyes are sharp and hide a glint of amusement. He parts my legs and positions himself between them to get closer to me.

"I know you're trying to provoke me Eye Candy." He says and I can't help the shenanigans that spreads like wildfire on my features through a naughty grin.

"And what if I am?" I sneer. "Aren't you going to put me in my place?" That causes him to chuckle.

"I'm not going to give you what you want."

"And what is it that I want?"

His liquid black eyes lose all of their shine. "My surrender."

I raise a brow and let out a long breath, impressed that he finally caught up with me. To be honest, I was kind of expecting him to bend me over his lap and do a number of things that I'd like him to do to me there and then.

"And here I thought there was a little bit of innocence in you." He sighs. "What happened to that?"

"Maybe you're the reason I've lost it." I say and he narrows his eyes on me. He draws in a breath and tips my chin.

"Maybe," he breathes. "I always knew you weren't that good girl next door. I observed you at the most random times. The way you walk, the way the tone and the color of your voice alters depending on who you're talking to." He laughs a little before continuing "Whenever you and I had a conversation you always had that scowl and your nosestrills would flare as you spoke."

I blush embarrassed "That was because you were giving me a hard time! And you kept calling me nicknames for some unknown reason. You always exacerbated me and it was like you were getting off from me being aggravated at your stupid ass."

"True." He shrugs. "But it seems like one of my nicknames grew on you."

I bite my lip knowingly.

"Even last year when you hung around Yoongi, you were practically undressing him with your eyes." Heat rushes to my cheeks at the mentioning of my stupid crush on Yoongi. Even Yoongi teased me about it at times but hearing it from Jungkook just makes me feel exposed.

"I was not!" I snap.

"Don't be ashamed sweetheart." Jungkook says. "The real deal was Jimin though. Anyone from a mile away could tell that you were infatuated with him."

"What makes you say that? I just liked him." A lot. Until I found out what a playboy he truly is.

"Come on now Elena." Jungkook sighs. "You were practically drooling everytime he was in your field of view."

"Was not." I argue.

"The way you looked at him was one of the reasons why I was an asshole towards you." He confesses and my eyes find his.

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