7 | go where

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When nighttime arrives, I have already covered my studies and completed my responsibilities so I decide to pack all of my necessities for work. I stuff my two piece lingerie along with my foundation inside my bag pack and then put on a hoodie and leggings. I normally don't dress up for work since all I'll be basically doing is removing all my articles of clothing so there is no point in complicated preparations. I moisturize my face so that I just apply my makeup when I go to the Golden Closet and then kick in my Converse highs. I apply some lipbalm and look at my reflection on the bathroom mirror. Tired brown eyes are looking back at me. Dark circles are shadowing my undereyes and I freak out. I really need more sleep.

I don't look bad though. Plus, the men will only pay attention at my body, not my face. Even if I showed up makeup free they'd still applaud me for the sexy show. Men only care about the contents if you get what I mean. They couldn't care less about foundation or the length of my eyelashes or the color of nail polish that's on my toes. Men are visual creatures. They're hunters and women are prey. Men only care about a free fuck. My theory was proved last week when Jungkook jumped at the opportunity to take advantage of me. This whole situation is still irritating me and I feel ashamed of myself for my actions. Touching myself in front of him and putting on a show just for the money is unacceptable. I screwed up and just surrendered my dignity to a jerk like him. I hate him, but right now I hate myself more. The only thing that's left to do is just avoid him for the rest of my life and probably he'd let me go. I've been bullied before in my high school years but this-Jungkook puts all the bullies to shame.

He raped me. Well, I did kind of enjoy our moment but it was the physical part only, so I guess that isn't rape after all. Jungkook already had my unspoken consent. When he clarified his thoughts about me that was the breaking point. I didn't expect anything more from him. I knew that he was taking advantage of me and I let him, so the blame is on me. I screwed myself over and I deserved what was in store just then. But I learned my lesson and from now on I have to stay away from him or else I'll probably act on impulse and I'll regret all my life decisions.

So all I have to do is keep a distance from Jungkook.

Stay away from Jungkook.


"Eye Candy!" Mark chimes. "You're being requested at room B22!"

Chills surge through my spine at the mentioning of that particular room. That's where I made the biggest mistake of my life last Friday night.

I sigh and wear my skyscraper heels. Then I apply my favorite lipstick and force myself to warm up into my character. Now it's not the time to feel pathetic and regretful. Now it's time to seduce some money out of older men in order to pay all my depts.

I head to corridor B and catwalk between rooms where unsanitary and unholy things take place. I put my game face on and tilt the corners of my red lips into a provocative smirk. Inside these private rooms, things tend to get somewhat intimate but with me into a classy way. I usually dance or touch the other party in different areas of their body but I don't allow them to come in contact with mine. That's ironic, considering the fact that I gave my body up to an asshole last week. When I reach room B22, I reposition my silver bralette and open the door with an inviting smile.

"Hello, my dear gentleman-" I greet but when I see my customer I immediately freeze on the spot.

"Gentleman?" Jungkook laughs. "I think you went a little overboard here."

I stare daggers at him. "At least you're self-aware."

He chuckles and walks closer to me, eyes dark and alluring. I take a step back only to hit a cool surface. Jungkook traps me against the door as he places a hand on each side of my head. I gulp hard and he grins mischievously.

"W-what do you want?" I ask, my voice coming out in a tremble.

Jungkook's hand caresses my cheek and I close my eyes. I can hear him breathe a laugh. "That's how I want you," he whispers as his fingers trace my cheekbone, my neck, my rib cage, travelling down to the center of my breasts, moving down to my belly and pausing just above the hem of my silver thong. His forefinger presses my navel slightly and I take a deep breath as his lips graze my ear. "Afraid." He says and my fists clench. Then he kisses the spot between my ear and neck. Blood rushes through my veins like adrenaline from that one single touch and my eyes flutter open. Jungkook's lips kiss my neck on various spots until I feel his teeth nipping on the skin. It stings a little but the pain is tolerable. I moan and I raise my hands to cover my mouth.

He laughs against my skin. "You liked that, didn't you slut?" When I don't answer, Jungkook's teeth attack my neck again as he bites and nips at the tender area leaving hickeys along the way. He pulls my hands from my mouth and pins them on each side while he goes lower and kisses my collarbone. I groan and bite my lip so that I don't give more signs of my enjoyment. Jungkooks lips suddenly abandon my skin and some rational thoughts seep in.

"You should g-go," I stammer and he chuckles.

"And go where? Here? " He asks teasingly as his lips find my left breast. He bites on my nipple through the silver fabric and I moan out at the sensation. It hurts but I like it. My head arches and hits the door but we both ignore my clumsiness. Warmth spreads all over my body like a heatwave and I feel it down to my core. His tongue is coating the fabric while saliva soaks through the material and I feel the wetness on my nub. I clench my thighs shut. Jungkook releases my hardened nub "Or here?" He inquires and moves to my other breast giving it the same treatment. I bite my lip so hard that it breaks the skin and I taste blood. I'm so pathetic for actually enjoying his sick games.

"No," I manage and he lets go of my nipple. I'm breathing heavily and I feel myself getting wet down at my core. I want him now.

"Okay," he simply says and lets go of my arms.

I reposition myself against the door and run my fingers through my platinum hair. My legs are wobbly and I'm all sweaty and turned on. God, what's happening to me?

"Move," Jungkook suddenly says.

"What?" I gape.

"You're blocking the way." He says.

What's wrong with him? Is he bipolar? One moment he's pinning me against the wall and does unspoken things to me and on another he wants to leave? I should be glad he wants to go, but for some unknown reason I feel strangely disappointed.

I carefully move away keeping my thighs glued together. I'm so wet right now and I want a release. Jungkook looks at my soaked crotch and he laughs.

"See you next time Eye Candy." He smirks and opens the door.

"Why are you leaving?" I inquire, totally confused by his sudden change of heart.

"You told me to stop." He answers simply and walks away.

That bastard did it on purpose. He teased and played around with me hoping that I'd surrender to him. He's expecting me to call him back for a fuck.

That's never going to happen.

And why you might ask?

Because, I'm going to seduce his lame ass and turn the tables around.

I'm going to bring him to a position where he's going to beg for me.

Yall go check out my new story LOVE YOU SO MAD and give it some mad love.

Okay bad joke. But I had to.

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