18 | make a wish

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Jungkook's POV

Elena's hips are swaying back and forth rhythmically, the hands of my best friend resting on the curves that I've traced myself, causing her eyes and heart to flutter. A gleeful smile lingers on her lips and her lashes caress her peachy cushions underneath. She bites her lip, slightly pulling on the flesh while I'm several meters away watching her like a hawk, trying to make sure she won't fall head over heels for my best friend. I hate this with my whole being. She shouldn't be like this with Jimin because she's mine and mine alone. I am going to be the one who claims her once and for all.

Everything seems like a blur. It's like my surroundings are black and white and she's the only essence of color. Her long spirals cascades down her petite figure and follow her movements like springs, her tiny skirt riding up her thighs everytime she hops or puts her hands up in the air. She's short but her high heels make up for the height difference when she's with Jimin. Her head only reaches my chest and to be honest, the fact that she's so short and tiny makes me want to devour her completely. Those two liquid brown pools with curly lashes that resemble Asian fans gleam in the dark living room, mirroring her emotions and her innocence. Fuck, she's ethereal. She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and I want her all for myself. The things I'd do to her if I had her consent are deranged, she'll fucking call the cops if I ever acted out my fantasies.

But this is getting harder day by day and this is the first time I'm controlling myself around a woman. I want to lock her up in my bedroom and worship that heavenly body of hers all day long. I want this woman on her knees waiting for me all impatient and eager and if she dared to misbehave I'd have her over my lap bare and tied up while I'd contemplate on whether I should be rough or hard with her. Damn, Elena's standing right there in front of me dancing with Jimin while I'm lost in my fantasies completely aggravated while the slut I pursued earlier can't even give a proper blowjob.

She's making me furious and I really want to punish her for defying me.

I want to grab those lively springs of dark brown hair and drag her upstairs to my bedroom where I'd rip her tiny skirt and puny top and fuck her senseless. Starting with a lustful kiss on her luscious lips that are coated in a peach colored lip gloss my hands roaming on her waist slipping under her cornflower blue top digging into her flesh until she feels me to her bones. Then my lips would trace her chin and kiss my way to the area that's between her ear and neck-she goes fucking mad when I nibble that little secret spot. That's when I have her in the palm of my hand. Kissing that particular area is enough to put her under my spell. When I nibble on the flesh she's mine. She will obey my every command willingly, so when I present her some rope she will extend her hands to me without second thought. Then my hands would undo that slinky top of hers and cast it aside on the floor, her tiny breasts in my field of vision. God, playing with those buttons drive her insane and I want her to struggle under a little under the bonds. I picture her blindfolded, her arms restrained because of the rope as it reaches down to her legs bonding her wrists with her ankles completely bare and open to me. I'm so fucking twisted for wanting to manhandle her like that.

But I know that deep down she enjoys all that I'm doing to her despite the fact that she's fighting to resist me. It is all evident in her eyes. Adrenaline courses through her veins when I touch her and it drives her insane. She wants me as much as I want her. Fucking hell, I bet if I went over there right now she'd melt in Jimin's arms. We have something, this animalistic lust that makes us both reckless. She has this effect on me, and I go rogue when I see her with someone else. She is to blame for making me sick in the head.

Elena spins around to face Jimin, her hands reaching for his neck. Her fingers intertwine on the base of his neck touching his blond hair. Eye Candy looks mesmerized and captivated by him-she never gazed at me like that and a bitter feeling overwhelms me. I envy him for having such an effect on her. Her eyes, that heavy gaze, that agape mouth are supposed to be directed to me. Her entire core belongs to me and I hate it when someone else touches what belongs to me. But what I truly resent is the fact that Elena is in love with my best friend.

However, he might be in her heart, but I'll always be circling around in her mind.

You won't get rid of me that easily Elena.

Because you belong to me.

And I take good care of my most prized possessions.

Elena's POV

Being high on heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, Marijuana causes this temporary state of euphoria. This short lived happiness caused by those drugs frequently act directly on dopamine levels and that's how you feel all giddy and happy all of a sudden. That's the 'magic' of taking drugs. However, being with Jimin makes me feel like I'm high. I finally feel free when I'm with him and the sky is the limit. His hands roaming my body, his touch his breath that sets my skin ablaze is all I need for this euphoria rush to settle in my veins. This is how it's supposed to be. He's quite literally doing good to me and there are no side effects. Unlike being with Jungkook. With him it's just explosive sex, him dominating me and punishing me when things don't go his way. My feelings are all over the place while when I'm with Jimin I am aware of everything that's happening and I know exactly how I feel.

All in all, Jungkook keeps fucking with my brain and I can't seem to stop thinking about him even when I'm dancing with my favorite person in the world.

I had never expected things to go down this way. I figured that having this party would consist of me getting drunk and ending up in a foreign bed while the complete opposite has happened. I'm spending time with the man of my dreams and it all seems unreal.

I wish this night would last forever.

And with that the music comes to an end.

"What the fuck?" Jimin snaps and I giggle.

Joy appears in the hallway with Yoongi tagging along with her as they both carry my gigantic birthday cake into the living room.

"Happy birthday to you" Joy says in a sing-song voice while Yoongi focuses on clearing out the way.

"Yall move your asses! It's my best friend's birthday. You better sing your lungs out!" Yoongi snaps and to my surprise everyone follows his lead.

"Happy birthday to you!" Our guests sing and Jimin's slings his arm over my shoulder. I tilt my head upwards and smile brightly.

"Happy birthday dear Elena!" Everyone cheers when Jungkook bumps into me.

"Happy birthday Eye Candy." He sings simultaneously with the crowd, a grin laced with shenanigans lingering on his lips.

He's definitely up to something.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" The crowd finally exclaims and the sound of hands clapping, hyped applauses and whistles echo in the living room. Joy approaches me with the cake until she's across me and Yoongi gives me a friendly wink.

I love you. I mouth and he flashes me one of those gummy smiles I used to fall in love with. A light cough interrupts out little moment and I find myself glancing over at Jungkook who's glaring at me with that predatory expression of his. There are a million things I could say to him right now, but I choose to live in the moment.

"Make a wish!" Joy encourages me flashing me her Colgate smile and I shake my head shyly.

"Nah, let's just cut the-"

"Shit" She finishes for me. "Now make a wish." She brings the cake closer to me and I move backwards. Now I'm trapped between Jungkook and Jimin.

"Come on," Jimin says "Make a wish!"

"MAKE A WISH!" the crowd chimes. "MAKE A WISH! MAKE A WISH!" They boom and I finally agree with them.

The baby pink candles are waiting to be blowed while the firework candles are reaching their peak. Okay now that sounded wrong despite the fact that it was in my thoughts.

With a tight blink, a grin surfaces on my face and the craziest, riskiest idea comes to mind.

I blow the candles out and everyone explodes into cheers.

Then I turn around, my back facing Jungkook.

Jimin is clapping his cute hands and grins gleefully.

My hands sneak up his shirt on their own accord and grab onto his collar pulling him to me.

Then I kiss him.

This is one of my favorite chapters. Hope you enjoyed.

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