114 | scars and forgiveness

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Elena's POV

Around eight, we all gather up at Jungkook's place to celebrate the fact that the cctv footage that Seokjin has been dangling in front of me is now gone forever. Not only that, thanks to Taehyung's courtesy for stealing his brother's personal device and of course Yoongi's help, we've managed to delete everything Seokjin used to blackmail other vulnerable women and trick them into working for him at his nightclubs or at his luxury hotels.

It almost feels surreal. I can't get used to the fact that I'm now free. My chest feels lighter and the pain that has been pressuring my temples has suddenly dissipated. I can be a brand new person now. I won't have to work at that hellhole ever again and this time nobody else got hurt in my place which is something that I'm immensely grateful for.

I honestly find it hard to believe that from now on I won't have to expose my body or dance provocatively in front of a crowd of men that scrutinize me from head to toe with prying eyes. From this point on, I no longer have to be objectified nor used as a spectacle for the sake of having cash thrown onto my stage in order to pay my bills. Even though, I'm jobless now and I'll probably have to start looking for a new job next week I'm still happy about this. I can start over and live my life freely without having to worry about deep secrets being exposed or forbidden footages being shown at the wrong places.

I can finally breathe.

And it feels so good to be able to do that without having this constant smothering feeling that clogs my lungs.

I am thankful and appreciative of Taehyung and Yoongi for helping me out of this mess without trying to make this uncomfortable for any of us and I'm indepted to both of them for everything they have done. Taehyung didn't ask a lot of intrusive questions regarding the footage, although I've guessed that he probably figured out that Seokjin basically had a sex tape of every single encounter I've had with both him and Jungkook at the Golden Closet. I don't know if he helped me because he would also benefit from wiping out the entire computer considering that we've done things together a while back, but still...I'm extremely thankful for his help, because without it I would still be lost. And I would probably have to mentally prepare myself to show up at the Empire.

But now I'll have to say farewell to my old lifestyle.

Because right now, I want to enjoy myself and have some fun with the people around me.

"Let's get fucked up!" Yoongi shouts holding up a bottle of beer and everyone cheers in unison.

Jungkook invited everyone over to the mansion since Marlene, Adonis and Blythe left an hour ago. The plan is to hang around at the hot tub and basically drink until we drop. I borrowed a black bikini from Joy because unfortunately I don't own any since I rarely go to the beach. Yoongi has already started downing all the beers and Taehyung joins him. Unexpectedly, Jungkook invited Jimin and he showed up in a swimming trunk that has a funky colorful pattern. It's cold as shit out here but the lucky for us the hot tub is warm and inviting.

Joy and Yoongi already went in the hot tub with two beers on the side. I'm currently sitting on one of the deck chairs, curled up in a blanket waiting for Jungkook to come out of the pool house when I notice Taehyung pacing towards the stand with the drinks. He's still in his dark green hoodie, but he's wearing a swimming trunk.

"It's colder if you stand outside." I tell him.

"I know," he rasps, putting his hands in his pockets. "I don't like getting wet." He walks over to me and plops down on the deck chair next to me. I look at him, but his glance is focused else where. He isn't the type that appreciates small talk, so I decide to say what's on my mind.

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