113 | triumph

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Jungkook's POV

When morning comes, Elena is the first to wake up and I pretend to be asleep as I watch her slowly come on top of me to check if I'm awake.

She softly kisses the corner of my mouth then gets out of bed and carefully tiptoes outside barefoot so that she doesn't make any sweeping noises with her fluffy pink slippers. 

I love you. The words come back rushing into my mind in waves.

I finally told her that but she couldn't say it back. 

I could see it in her eyes that she so desperately wanted to say it and yet she didn't because she was afraid of me. I can't blame her for that, considering I nearly suffocated the rat Seokjin sent to spy on Elena, by stepping on their throat. 

I still love her no matter what.

And I know she loves me. She only needs time.

I can hear the bathroom door open and close and then water running. I yawn and slide the covers off my body only to be greeted by the cool temperature of the room. 

I make my way to the kitchen and rummage through her fridge for stuff that is actually edible but as it turns out it's mostly empty. I spot four eggs in that haven't been consumed and to my luck they haven't expired just yet. There's no bacon, but I do manage to find some bagels in the cabinet so we would have to make do with what she has. I'll probably have to restock her fridge until she finds a job, because that's the least I can do for her. I quickly turn on the stove before grabbing the pan that is hanging on one of the hooks, add some butter then crack the eggs inside, until I suddenly feel the softest arms hugging my waist. 

I tilt my head a little as I flip the eggs on the other side when Elena starts to kiss my covered shoulder blade. But then she pulls her hands abruptly and lets out a shriek. I turn around on instinct and I watch her wipe her hand on her emerald sweater dress.

"Ow," she grunts.

"Shit, did the oil splash on you?" I ask and she nods. "I'm so sorry," I take her hand in mine and kiss it when she pulls away once again to put the eggs on the plates I set on the counter. 

Her gaze falls on my bandaged knuckles when she inquires, "Are you still in pain?"

"Not really." She places the plates on the table and we sit down together. A few minutes fly by as we eat in silence, but for some reason it feels strange. 

I focus my gaze on Elena and observe the way her body language. She's cutting her eggs with her fork while her other hand is resting on her lap. Her back is crouched only slightly and it already seems wooden. Unnatural. 

Elena always has both hands on the table while she eats and the only reason why she hides her free hand is because she feels awkward or uncomfortable. That's one of the many little traits I memorized about the way she reacts in certain circumstances and that stirs the worry in me. 

Is she uncomfortable because I told her I love her?

 Oh, well there's only one way to find out. 

"Elena?" I pipe. 


"Did I make a mistake when I told you I loved you?" Her eyes widen at what I just uttered and she gulps. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable because of that, or guilty for that matter."

"I just...I don't know." She puts her fork down. "Look, I know how I feel about you. I had already established the fact that I had strong feelings for you but when you told me yesterday it was unexpected."

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