62 | gone

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Elena's POV

A week after exam period.   .   .

Things have been going smoothly in my life for the first time in ages. Even though I'm still financially unstable, I'm thankful for still having a roof over my head. I have a special someone who treats me well and I enjoy spending time with him. Even before the exam period, Jungkook and I still managed to be around each other either studying or making out and having sex in my bedroom. He seems to enjoy coming to my place a lot more than hanging out at the mansion. I love having him around even if it is for only an hour.

We are together about six weeks now and no matter what we do we just can't keep our hands to ourselves. We weren't able to meet every day because of our busy skedules, but when we did... it was deliciously consuming in the best way.

And honestly, I'm not complaining.

Being around Jungkook feels exhilarating. It's like my senses altogether are magnified when he's around. He has such an intense effect on me and he's aware of it. It's like he sets off fireworks in me and I catch fire. It burns but I want to feel the warmth to its fullest.

His touch sends me to all kinds of places and his voice—God that deep raspy tone of his and the slight voice crack can compel me to do anything he asks of me. Now that we both have more free time on our hands we can see each other more often.

I grab my gray coat from the hanger and kick in my ankle high boots. It's five in the evening and I need to be at the Golden Closet at ten. I want to see Jungkook so I'm gonna surprise visit him at his place. I even made chocolate chip cookies for him and I really hope he'll like them.  Before I leave the apartment I store the cookies in a plastic container then put them in my bag. The Uber I called earlier is waiting downstairs and when I get inside, I tell the man the address and we ride quietly to the Jeon' mansion. The silence is typically awkward but bearable.

When I finally reach my destination, I pay the driver and give him a reasonable tip. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I pace towards the entrance of the massive property and ring the bell. It takes a moment for him to buzz me in, but when he does I push the door and walk inside. I pace towards the building and climb the stairs then ring the doorbell.

I can hear footsteps approaching from behind the door and I grin.

"Hey!" I beam as soon as the door opens wide.

But the person behind the door isn't Jungkook.

A tall man with sandy blond hair appears.

Warm skin tone.

Hard masculine jaw.

Cold gaze.

Icy blue eyes.

I've seen his face before. Not from up close, but in pictures on the articles I've read online when I was researching about the Jeons. He's Jungkook' step brother.

Adonis Blackwood.

I thought that Jungkook's family was out of town. If I knew they were here I wouldn't have swung by. This is what I get for wanting to surprise visit my boyfriend.

"Hello what can I do for you?" He says in a polite manner, but the way he's looking at me emits a different signal.

"Hi," I put on a smile. "Is Jungkook here?" He leans against the door and eyes me carefully.

"No," he answers simply.


This isn't awkward at all.

I clutch my bag's strap tightly. "Do you happen to know when he's gonna come back?"

"Jungkook is out of town." Adonis says and I just stare at him aghast.


Jungkook is out of town and he didn't tell me? Why would he disappear like this all of a sudden?

"How—" I stammer. "Where did he go? W—why did he leave town?"

"Are you some sort of paparazzi?" Adonis asks curtly. "Because if you are I suggest you leave this property immediately or I'll call security. You're invading my family's privacy."

What the hell? Security?  The last time I was here, this place was empty and if it weren't for Jungkook living here it would be secluded.

"No—no I'm not a paparazzi!" I almost yell. "I'm Jungkook's girlfriend."

He snorts. "Yeah right."

Adonis is ready to close the door but I put my arm in the middle.

"Wait!" He stops abruptly and the door is inches away from crushing my arm.

"What the hell!" His eyes widen and he glares at me like i'm out of my mind. He opens the door and walks outside with a furious expression. "Listen, I don't know which one you are of all the sluts he's fucked but he's not here. And don't use the 'girlfriend' card on me because I know the bastard doesn't do that shit so leave."

What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Is it that hard to believe that Jungkook is dating someone? Is that how low they think of him?

"You listen to me asshole." I grit. This man just automatically assumed I was a slut and he didn't even hesitate to call me that in front of my face. Anger surges through me but I was warned about his family so I can't let what he says get to my head. "I know exactly who you are Adonis and I know that you don't think of Jungkook as your brother. I am his girlfriend and I don't care whether you believe me or not, but just tell me where he went because I'm not moving an inch until you do." It's not like I would go on a plane and follow him or anything, but I need to know if he's safe wherever he is.

Adonis scrutinizes me from head to toe. "He's in Seoul."

That makes sense. "When did he leave?" I ask.

He crosses his arms and looks at me. "Thursday. Around 4pm."

I try my best to keep my cool. "Okay, and when is he coming back?"

"I don't know and frankly I don't care."

Alright... "Why did he leave so suddenly?"

Adonis laughs bitterly. "He went to visit someone close to him."

A wooden smile creeps on my face. "Thank you."

I turn to walk away and I can hear him laugh.

"Did you really think you were special?" He starts and I stop in my tracks. That arrogant prick is trying to provoke me. "You aren't the first girl that has come here looking for him."

Oh, I already know that much. "What exactly is your point?"

"My point is that Jungkook doesn't give a fuck about you." He says firmly. "So quit wasting your time and mine." I ball my fists and take deep breaths. He sure knows how to get under my skin.

"Honestly, whoever thinks of themselves as special is a complete fool because they turn into narcissistic and arrogant fuckers like you." I return. "And Jungkook is trying to change."

"Ah, still think he cares about you love?" I flinch at the pet name. "Let's assume for argument' sake that you two actually have a functioning relationship. If he really cared about you, he would have at least mentioned something about him leaving town. Even a last minute text or phone call would count in my book. "

I bite the inside of my lip in frustration and walk away. As much as I hate to admit it Adonis is right. Jungkook should have told me that he was going to Seoul.

But why?

Why did he leave like this out of the blue without further notice?

What if he never comes back?

"Perhaps you should sit down and think about what you've gotten yourself into."

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