82 | disappointment

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Elena's POV

I always feared the sound of thunder. 

I know it's foolish and absurd and that it's a pretty common fear, but there's something about nature' low rumble which resembles more of an animal growl, that just sends chills through my spine. When lightning strikes, I have this unreasonable worry that there's something aiming at me. Depending on the distance and the nature of the lightning itself it releases the sharpest of sounds, sharper than the sound of breaking glass or a heart wrenching cry. The loud crack that soars through the sky, to me it seems like it lasts for an eternity, even though in reality only a few seconds have passed and it's now long gone until the next killer bolt strikes. Basically, it's a quick flash of light that tears down the sky and it could potentially kill anyone if they're at the wrong place at the wrong time. 

Even though I've been scared of it for the longest time, I've come to think that that electrostatic discharge actually makes a majestic sight. 

It's beautiful yet deadly.

Just like Jungkook.

"You know, you're like lightning." I begin saying, my arms defensively crossed against my chest.  "In a flash that only lasts a few seconds it's set to destroy everything in its path before it dissipates in the darkness." Things were going so incredibly well between us in the course of the two months we were dating and now he changed. Just when I thought that we were actually going somewhere, all my hopes are burned down to the ground.   

"You really do know me." Jungkook mutters and with that he leaves.

A pang of disappointment pools up in the pit of my stomach and I'm angry at myself for feeling bitter about this. He was the one who insulted me, who called me clingy and claimed that I am being totally irrational and unreasonable for trying to get him to open up. He called me a fucking wife and I am aggravated at myself for being despondent about the fact that just walked out the door instead of staying to talk things out.

In all honesty, I don't mind him venting or expressing his feelings freely to me, but I absolutely don't want to be his personal punching bag. First, we're on this euphoric cloud together and when I take a step forwards Jungkook acts out just to push me away. I refuse to be treated as an object for whenever it suits him. 

I collect the lingerie and the spare clothes that have fallen from my duffel bag and toss them back inside. I am already late for my shift and when I grab my phone from the nightstand I see the five missed calls from Mark.

I send him a quick text that I'm running a little late because of the rain and he replies saying that it's okay. I decide on not wearing a wig as my disguise because the expensive material would get ruined in the rain, so I just kick in my sneakers and snatch my keys along with my red umbrella from the bowl near the door and head downstairs. 

Unfortunately, my umbrella provides little to none protection against the pouring rain, but it's a good thing that my duffel bag is waterproof and I won't have to worry about the contents getting wet.

My bus comes right on cue and I'm forced to run as fast as I can to the station because the next bus comes in thirty minutes from now and I am in no position to be any more late.

When I finally reach the Golden Closet, I sneak inside from the back door and head towards the dressing rooms with my hood over my head. I quickly shuck off my clothes and wear my black lingerie and my scarlet wig then apply some makeup, emphasizing more on the intense eye shadow rather than the overall disguise. Only this time I forget to wear my contact lenses but this will have to do for now. Besides, I don't think that I'll be encountering anyone I know here tonight. Jimin and Taehyung both haven't entered the Closet ever since the incident with the money and I strongly believe that they won't ever step foot in here again, whereas Jungkook...well Jungkook and I are together, so there is no apparent reason for him to come here, even though he did used to drive me here whenever he could.

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