40 | elastic girl receives an apology

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I leave Joy's house around eight, my gym bag in hand then take the bus and head over to the Golden Closet. My shift starts at nine thirty but I need to arrive at least forty minutes earlier because I need to prepare my life changing makeup and basically glue a wig on my head in order to conseal my identity. While waiting to reach my stop, I scroll through Jungkook's social media, mostly Instagram. He's not considered an Instagram hoe compared to Jimin who posts a new photo almost every few days. Jungkook's posts consist of him working out in the gym or at home, some landscapes and pictures of Seoul. All his pictures hold an aesthetic feel to them and unlike other pretentious people's posts they aren't overly filtered to the point that they look fake. I scroll through the pictures he took in Seoul. His face isn't always in them but the photos are on point. It's a crowded city and winter is brutal there. However, their cuisine is incredible and if you love spicy food Korea is the right place for you. I know this because I went to Seoul last year with Joy as soon as I managed to save the money I made as a waitress.

Looking at all those pictures, I remember all the good memories I made with Joy when we traveled there. It was truly one of the happiest moments of my life and I will never forget the amazing time I had as we wandered around in that enormous city. And the amazing part is that I went there with one suitcase and returned with two. We went shopping therapy for the first time and purchased amazing clothes, makeup, Mangas. During our stay we also went together in a sex shop and the manager was giving us a judgemental look because he thought we were a couple. We also went to those date-in-the-dark restaurants where I almost met the love of my life there. But unfortunately I never saw his face because of the darkness.

While I'm at it, I decide to use the internet' resources to learn more about his family when I find a picture of his stepmother. Her name is Marlene Blackwood and she's from Los Angeles. She's a blond beauty with icy blue eyes and even though she appears to be smiling in most pictures, I decipher this coldness underneath. She used to be a model/actress in her teen years but I can't seem to find an article about her recent activities and from the looks of it she prefers to keep her life closed off from the public. Unlike other models in the industry she doesn't seem like an attention seeker.

Her children, Blythe and Adonis Blackwood, however are only two years older than Jungkook and from the looks of it both of the siblings aspire to be models and actors. According to Wikipedia, they are attending the Academy of Fine Arts in Los Angeles. He must feel so dreadfully lonely in that enormous mansion.

Jungkook's parents got engaged on December 2006 and married in June 2007. Then Marlene changed her last name from Blackwood to Jeon. Chul Hyeon and Marlene don't have any children together as they merged their family into one. However, Jungkook's biological mother remains a mystery. There are no shared photographs of her or articles. Not even Wikipedia reveals a shred of information about his real mom.

I guess whenever Jungkook feels ready to open up about his past, he could tell me about her.

I notice an old man in the bus who was clearly having a hard time standing up. None of the youngsters get their asses up to let the elder sit and I offer my seat to him. What a civilized world we live in... He gives me a kind smile and shakes my hand grateful.

When I reach my stop I get off the bus and cross the street. I am about to step on the pavement when I see two familiar figures about to enter the Golden Closet. One tall blonde man and one dark haired.

Jimin and Taehyung.


I watch them as they dissappear inside when the bouncer let's them in and I let out a sigh of relief I've been holding inside for several long seconds. I was so fucking close to blowing up my cover! Imagine if my dumb ass arrived earlier. There's no way I would be able to convincingly lie through my teeth to them about this.

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