16 | another (bossy) reminder

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Elena's POV

Jungkook's lips crash against mine, his hand wrapped around my wrist walking me away from my best friend. His other hand is tugged at my waist gripping on my skirt's waistband so tight I think it's going to tear. I'm struggling to escape from his sudden attack, but I'm simultaneously enjoying the jealous attitude that triggers his possessiveness.

His mouth is rough against mine, his teeth nipping on my flesh, claiming my entire core in front of everyone. His tongue works wonders in my mouth as he licks a stripe among my bottom lip before he bites on it and pulls it. I suck in a breath as his hand moves upwards to my hair twirling my long locks with his fingers.

"Get a room!" A familiar female voice says teasingly and my eyes flutter open in an instant.

I pull away from Jungkook and look over his shoulder only to see Joy grinning from ear to ear. I take a step away from him but Jungkook pulls me closer.

"Did I say you could leave?" He asks lowly.

"Jungkook, my friend is here." I tell him, resentment suddenly coloring my voice. He can't just boss me around whenever he feels like it.

"I don't care." He retorts. "Unless you'd like her to know about your part time job." He threatens.

I grin and then shrug. "You can tell her anything you want. I don't have to lose anything when it comes to her. She already knows."

His coal black eyes twinkle and his brows furrow aggressively. Then he smirks in a way that basically tells me he's come up with a wicked idea.

"Your friend seems to be open to new experiences." Jungkook says. Wait, hold up a second. Is he implying what I think he's implying?

"You wouldn't." I manage.

"Oh, but I would." Jungkook retaliates. "And to be honest, I wouldn't mind pounding her while you watched."

My eyelids suddenly feel heavy as if they're containing a huge amount of weight that is begging to be released.

"Leave Joy out of this." I hiss. "She has a boyfriend." I lie hoping he'll leave her alone.

But Jungkook only chuckles. "How scandalous. Do you really think I actually care?"

Bitting my lip, I remain silent.

"It's not that I have this empathy thing going on in me." He tells me. "It didn't stop me from using you Eye Candy."

I clench my fists and grit my teeth.

"Don't do anything rash tonight." He whispers in my ear. "Or something regrettable might happen."

"Hey Elena!" Joy calls out to me. "You're gonna suck faces with your boyfriend the whole time?"

Jungkook chuckles to himself and leaves me be for now.

I rush over to her and give her an enormous bear hug when she giggles "How the hell have you been? I haven't seen you in a while!"

"I'm good." I say plainly and someone nudges my shoulder.

"What's going on with you and Jungkook?" Yoongi inquires. "Are you two like together?"

"No! It's nothing like that!" I stammer. "We're just-he just-nothing."

"Didn't seem like nothing to me." Yoongi says suspicious.

"Yoongi, I don't even know why he did that." I say trying to maintain my calm. "You know what a dick he can be."

"If that's what being a dick is like you're in for a ride." Joy mutters and Yoongi chuckles.

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