32 | a silent promise

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Middle aged women and businessmen dressed in expensive tuxes and shirts are storming throughout the hotel' hallway heading towards the stairs. Loud shoesteps are thundering and I notice that some people aren't even wearing shoes. Jimin and Taehyung are nowhere to be found and I am currently stuck with Jungkook in some isolated corner while the panicked crowd dashes downstairs completely ignoring the hotel staff that are doing their best to help the customers evacuate the building. The fire alarm is still ringing so loud that it blasts my eardrums and on top of all of this I have a drunken Jungkook by my side tugging on my sleeve like a toodler. I am surprised that he hasn't left the hotel after joining Jimin in his suite.

"Jungkook we need to go." I say. "There's a fire in the building." Come to think about it, I don't smell any smoke and the alarm went off in our floor.

"I was looking for the elevator. I kept pressing the button but it just wouldn't arrive." Jungkook purrs into my ear his moised breath smelling like whiskey. "And then it went off like beeeeeeeeep!" He flashes me a devil may care smile and that's when I figure it out.

"My God, how much did you drink?" I sigh and then breathe out relieved. At least he didn't drive away with his motorcycle in this intoxicated state. The thought of him in an accident causes shivers to surge through my spine.

"How many of you are there?" He slurrs. "I can't keep count one, two, three-"

"Alright let's get you to your room big boy." I say and grab onto his shoulder but Jungkook over steps and gets his legs tangled then falls on the floor. I try not to laugh. But I do something worse by quickly grabbing my phone from my bag and snap a few pictures, a memento of this hilarious moment. Then I help him get back on his feet and together we walk towards the stairs heading up where his suite is located.

"What number are you again?" I ask and he says something in a murmur that I don't understand. I search his jacket pockets for his key card when I stick my hand in his jeans pocket. I can feel the hard plastic card but that isn't the only thing that is hard right now. Bitting my lip I pull out the key card and read the numbers on the surface. Suite 739. It's on the seventh floor and we're on the third. People are still storming towards the stairs and it's hard to get past them as they flash us questioning looks as in to silently ask: Are you mad? There's a fire in the building!

But I don't bother to reply since Jungkook is the cause of this mess.

"Come on JK let's go." I say and he nods. "Let's take the elevator."

"Be careful or it will beep again." He tells me, his dark orbs looking directly into my eyes. His eyes are so dark that the irises collide with the pupils. And yet they're shining like diamonds. His eyes are so mesmerizing when he gives me that deep look. It makes think that under that cold lifeless exterior of his and this arrogant facade there's an actual beating heart.

His cheeks are all red and puffy from the alcohol and his lips are forming this adorable pout I can't get enough of. He looks like a child and I really want to plant a kiss on his cheek.

"Don't worry about it." I tell him and press the button for the elevator. "Let's just get you to your suite and put you to bed."

When the elevator finally arrives the massive doors glide open and we pace inside. Then I press the button for the seventh floor and we go up. I am still holding onto Jungkook's shoulder as he's being so incredibly close to me I can smell his minty deodorant mixed with a hint of sweat under the alcohol scent.

The elevator chimes when we reach the seventh floor and we get out. Then we head towards Suite 739 and I slide the key card in the scanner and then open the door. The suite is similar to the one Jimin and Taehyung booked but this one has more windows and had a golden and charcoal color scheme compared to the silver and blue one downstairs. A queen sized bed is placed on the right side of the room while there's a sofa and armchairs close to the windows. A TV with a curved screen is across the bed and there's a bathroom in the end of the room. I let Jungkook fall flat on the bed as I wander around in the room and open the door in the bathroom. I am amazed at the fact that these luxurious hotels have bathrooms with ceiling high windows. Like seriously, if I want to take a shit or shower in here does the whole world have to enjoy the scenery?

I walk out the bathroom only to see Jungkook' figure towering over mine causing me to shriek out of surprise.

"Holy crap! You scared me!" I exclaim.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles and I walk past him.

"You should sleep." I say walking past him. "It's late and you're wasted. I'm going to get you some hangover meds and then leave."

"Wait!" He says and grabs my arm. "Don't go."

"You're going to have a headache in the morning." I counter.

"Please, don't leave." He says in a pleading tone. "Please don't leave me."

"I am just going to get you some medicine." I say softly. Wait, why do I care about his well-being now?

"Yeah, but after that you said you'd leave."

"Well what do you expect me to do?"



"I won't do anything to you." Jungkook insists. "I won't touch you in a weird way. If I do you can go and I won't try to stop you." He says, desperation laced in his voice.

Why is it that he's so considerate when he's drunk? And so damn cute at that.

"Your words not mine." I sigh in defeat. Then I grab the key card from my pocket and head towards the door when Jungkook stops me again.

"Don't go."

Okay, now he's seriously getting on my nerves.

"Jungkook, I will go buy those meds whether you like it or not and I'll come back." I say trying to maintain my cool. "I won't leave." I silently promise.

He takes a deep breath before he says "Okay..."

ok, so my nose is turning into a faucet and my throat is like a desert with nails but this is worth it. i am a masochist. hope u enjoyed this chapter.

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