final chapter

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Jungkook's POV

North Van Dyke St.

As soon as Yoongi sends me the address of Elena's location, I waste absolutely no time to climb down the fire escape and jump right on Jimin's car roof without any protection. That results in me bruising both of my knees and my calves, but I can't afford to sit and worry about that because Elena's safety is my biggest priority. Besides, I could barely feel any sort pain from the adrenaline that's coursing through my bloodstream. Swinging my leg over my motorcycle while Jimin is yelling meaningless things behind me, I pull the clutch and flip the kill switch on, before storming off into the crowded streets with nothing but the cold wind accompanying me. My bucket hat eventually flies away from my head, but I pay no mind at it as I focus on making my way to her.

Nothing can stop me.

Nothing will stop me.

There's an internal war raging inside of my mind where my emotional side is neck to neck with my more logical side. Part of me is insanely worried about the love of my life while I'm simultaneously immensely aggravated at Daniel for choosing to take the easy way out, instead of having a little more faith in us. I was going to retrieve the footage tonight even if I couldn't find it in the Golden Closet' hard drive, because I had an alternative plan in mind just in case solving things quietly wouldn't work. I was planning on confronting Mr Kim himself, the head of the Empire and by bringing Elena, Daniel and his fiance as evidence of what is really going on under his nose, I was going to take him down for good. Mr Kim would disown Jin if he ever knew that he was going to run a prostitution ring in his most prized possession and that way he would finally leave us alone.

But that fucking scumbag screwed us over, like we were nothing. He chose to put countless women's futures in jeopardy for his own personal gain. In a way I can understand him, because he did it to save his fiance and admittedly enough, I would set the world on fire if anything happened to Elena. There would be hell to pay if someone harmed a precious hair on her head.

Daniel isn't going to get away with this easily and once I take care of him Seokjin is next.

My phone rings numerous times on my way to the designated location which is near the outskirts of the city. It's probably Joy and Jimin blasting my phone for bailing so suddenly and I can't blame them for being concerned. I was caught up in my own head that the only thing I cared about was finding Elena. I am unable to think logically when it comes to her. She always makes me do the craziest things and I guess that's one of the reasons why I love her. She makes me care more than I ever thought I could. She fascinated me. Before her, I never thought I was capable of being invested in someone.

She's the most interesting girl I've ever known.

Everybody else is dull in comparison. What am I saying? You can't compare her with anybody else.

I can't lose her.

I need to see her dance.

I have to make her smile.

The air is chilly enough to make goosebumps spread all over the nape of my neck. This little town that is located near the outskirts is pretty deserted as there is only a gas station along with the rest of the buildings packed away from the designated place Yoongi has sent me.

From the distance, it resembles an abandoned hotel as I notice the sign with the faded letters on the metallic plate and I am certain that this is the right place because of the fact that it's isolated from the town. I can see two men in black coats guarding the entrance. One of them is bald while the other has dark hair. Both of them seem bulky from afar and my guess is that they're probably armed. According to Yoongi, Daniel was carrying a weapon when he attacked them, so I don't think these two are any different. It would be stupid of me to fight them head on. A black van is parked near the entrance.

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