73 | realization

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Present time
Current location: Hotel Singularity

My alarm goes off at 7am sharp and all I want to do put a pillow over my head and switch sides. I mentally curse myself for choosing the most annoying ring tone of all time because not only does it sound like an animal cry, but my phone simultaneously vibrates against the surface of the nightstand adding more texture to the sound and it gets even more frustrating.

My eyelids open slightly and they're sensitive to the smallest amount of light that pokes through the half closed curtains. It's like there's a thousand bright needles aiming straight for my eyes and I almost tear up.

I lift off the bed and grumpily reach out to the nightstand for my phone. When I finally turn off the stupid alarm, I collapse on the mattress and close my eyes for a fleeting moment. I can't find it in myself to relax, so I groan and get back up. Even though I'm still profoundly tired, it's still difficult for me to fall back to sleep after such an abrupt awakening.

Dragging my feet against the smooth tiles, I snail pace towards the bathroom and when I open the door, my eyes immediately screw shut from the brightness. How is it that the biggest window in the entire room is in the fucking bathroom? The one room that it's sole purpose is to provide extra privacy. And yet here I am in a bathroom that has a ceiling high window. Fucking great, the entire capital can witness me taking a piss.

After I relieve my bladder, I hop into the shower. Unfortunately for me, there is no curtain so I'm forced to hide behind the transparent glass. Halfway through my shower I notice that there are white curtains which are tucked tightly in the corner, so I step outside ignoring the soapy trail I leave on my way and close them. Then continue my shower in peace without worrying about getting arrested for (semi) public exposure. I can finally feel my body relax under the scorching hot waterfall that rains down upon me washing away the soap residue off my body.

With a warm robe wrapped securely around my body, I head to the bedroom and take some clothes from my suitcase. I throw on a dark blue sweater and jeans before kicking in my black Timberlands. I snatch my bagpack from one of the armchairs along with my money and keycard then exit the hotel room.

I have a long way ahead of me today and there's someone important I need to visit. My plane ticket lasts up till Friday and it's Wednesday.

Today is the day.

I need to see her at least once.

My cell vibrates in my pocket and I take it out. When I turn it on a message from Elena is on display.

Eye Candy: good morning

I smile gleefully at the fact that she probably looked up the time difference from her side of the globe in order to talk to me.

Me: hello Eye Candy

The ellipsis sign pops up and I walk past the reception. Just when I get past the reception area, Elena sends me another message. I pull out my phone and read it.

Eye Candy: I know it's like 8 over there so make sure to grab something to eat

How does she know—

Eye Candy: I'm not spying on you or anything. I know you skip breakfast.

I can feel my heart make a little thump as soon as I finish reading the message. She knows me so well. I head to the dining area while texting back my response.

Me: yes Ma'am

The modern aesthetic and the warm color scheme and wooden furnish is pleasing to the eye. The ceiling has a playful design as dark teardrop shaped lamps hang from it. Jazz music blends in the backround perfectly as it gives the expression that this is an old diner. The cream color walls give off a more contemporary vibe while the wooden furniture exudes an antique style. Just like the Empire back in New York, this hotel is the perfect combination of new and old.

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