119 | new plan

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The next day...

Elena's POV

"What exactly happened last night when you talked to Jin?" Jungkook asks Taehyung who's sitting across him on his desk chair. We're currently in Jungkook' bedroom in the mansion and I'm nervously tugging at my sweater sleeves. 

It's fucking ridiculous how happy and euphoric I was, with my head swimming in the clouds one moment, only to be bombarded with news that it might actually be taken away from me the next day. 

Just when I thought I could sleep in peace for the first time this year, Taehyung calls us the second my head hits the pillow to tell us that he actually got the wrong device yesterday. All our efforts were in vain because all the information and the cctv footage related to the women who work under him at the nightclubs are all stored at a separate computer at his office in the Golden Closet. My back is leaned against the wall and my gaze is focused on the view outside of the window that faces the pool house and there's nothing I want to do or say regarding the situation because I'm just tired.

"I went for a walk and Namjoon called to inform me that Jin was having an outburst." Taehyung starts saying. "So I quickly drive back to the penthouse and when I reach Jin's office all of his stuff on his desk and some books from his shelves are scattered all around the room. He even smashed his own laptop on the floor, because he was pissed."

"Was he suspicious of you?" Jungkook inquires and Taehyung shakes his head.

"At first he was just angry because he lost months of important work, designs and blueprints for a new hotel he's planning on building, but then we talked a little and from what I've gathered he knows when the laptop disappeared." 

"Yesterday morning." 

Taehyung shakes his head once more and crosses his arms. "Actually, I didn't steal it in the morning. Jin was having a party the night before so I seized the opportunity to sneak into his office only to eavesdrop on his conversation with Daniel."

"That rat bastard was there that night?" Jungkook balls his fists.

"Don't worry, he covered for us." Taehyung says quickly then proceeds explaining what happened. "Anyway, I couldn't just bust into the room and snatch the device from his desk so I had to improvise."

"What did you do?"

"Long story short, I managed to distract him by sending another girl upstairs to lure him out of his office and I stole the laptop." 

"Basically he thinks that one of your guests stole his laptop."

"Not quite." Taehyung says lowly. "He blamed me and Namjoon because he thought we were trying to fuck with him, but I convinced him otherwise." He then turns to me and I shift uncomfortably on the wall. "Are you okay?"

Smiling thinly I nod at him. "I'm fine."

Jungkook lifts himself off the bed and comes over to me. His hands find mine and he raises them to his lips, planting gentle kisses on my knuckles. "We're going to fix this Elena."

At this point I sigh hopelessly. "How?"

"We'll come up with a new plan." He says firmly before glancing over at Taehyung. "Right Tae?"

"And what can you possibly do you guys?" I ask. "All we know is that Jin has the cctv footage in his office at the Golden Closet. Lets assume for arguement' sake that we miraculously enter his office. What do we do then? We steal his hard disk?" My pitch is getting higher and higher as I speak, but I'm at the verge of tears. "For all we fucking know he could have another computer at another bar or he could have dozens of copies saved aside! Seokjin is a smart man; there's no way in hell he doesn't have copies. He could even save that shit on the cloud just in case. I was so stupid to believe that we could actually win!" I can feel something liquid slide down the curve of my cheek and I immediately wipe it away. My cheeks heat up and my ears are burning from embarrassment. I hate crying in general, but it's worse now that Taehyung is here. "It's impossible because we don't know anything."

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