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Elena's POV

Current place: New York

"What kind of boyfriend leaves the country without telling his girlfriend?" Joy exclaims angrily after I finish my hour long rant about Jungkook's sudden disappearance. I take a long sip from my beer and shrug as she continues ranting about his incompetence.

"And you know what?" I slur. "He still hasn't called or texted me. I keep thinking that I should be the one to call him-" A sharp hiccup cuts me mid sentence "first but-"

"You ain't calling that piece of trash first." My friend booms. "Have some pride girl." Joy adds and grabs the remote control to turn off the TV.

"But what if it's something serious?" I say and she flashes me a murderous glare.

I'm making excuses for him. Again.

"Stop making up excuses to defend his sorry ass!" Joy thunders. "If he cares he will fix the mess he created."

If he cares. There's nothing more, I loathe than being in the position where I have to question everything including myself.

"Don't say that." I mutter, shaking my head. "Jungkook does care. He just has a strange way of expressing it."

"So it's because he cares for you that he fled the country without telling you." Joy states with a sarcastic attitude. "Again, who the fuck does that?" She says and slaps the sofa's arm with her hands. "Jungkook is taking you for granted and I don't like this."

I'm sitting on the floor with my face buried in my knees. "Look, I know that what he did is wrong. I have no clue why he left out of the blue and I certainly don't know when he will return but could you stop stating the obvious Joy?" I say then raise my head slightly to look at her. "It's bad enough that he's gone and I feel like shit. Can you please comfort me for a change?"

Her dark brown eyes soften at my words and takes a seat next to me on the floor. She wraps her arms around me and caresses my head affectionately. "Of course." She mutters. "Don't worry, he will come back."

I find solace in her warm embrace as hot tears well in my eyes. It feels like there's this visceral emotion that was buried under the surface the entire time and it's beginning to claw its way to the surface, hurting me in the process.

I thought Jungkook trusted me-I thought we had an understanding. When we spend the night together after the double date talking about his past and how he got those scars on his abdomen we had a bonding moment. Jungkook opened up to me despite having agreed that I would be the one to take the first step. He trusted me enough to reveal a side of him that not many people know of and it made me feel special. That night is significantly important and meaningful to me.

Jungkook is important to me.

Apparently, I let my naivety cloud my judgement.


"I want to see him again." I sniffle. I can feel the first tear burn a trail down my cheek. "Why do I miss him so much?" She shushes me and lets me rest my head against her chest while I bawl my eyes out. "God, I hate this."

"Maybe you like him a little too much." Joy says in an enigmatic tone.

"No shit." I want to be as close to him as possible.

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