30 | conditions, cherry lips and chardonnay

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Flustered I pace quietly inside the suite where a large maroon sofa is placed in the middle of the room and an enormous king sized bed right behind it. The suite itself is bigger than my apartment and my insecurities are increasing by the second. I had no idea Jimin was this wealthy. Only the elite can afford staying in the Empire Hotel. So, he's either coming from some serious old money or his parents are well off. Or... they could be drug lords.

I'm scared to look at Jimin in the eye especially when I'm being in such a risky position. My heart is beating so fast I feel that it might tear my chest open. My entire body is moist and the hoodie isn't helping my case. Fuck, I can feel my cheeks heat up-I hope I'm not red.

"So, what exactly are you doing Eye Candy when you know... you aren't Eye Candy?" I can hear Jimin ask me and my breath gets stuck in my throat. I start coughing awkwardly and pat my chest while he's glaring at me with curious eyes.

"I think I should make something clear." I tell him. "This isn't a meet and greet. It is only a transaction."

His eyes shine with amusement.

"Are you expecting some sort of payment after tonight?" Jimin inquires. "Because from what I remember when I tried to touch you in the nightclub you so desperately claimed that you weren't a whore."

"I stand by what I said." I say. "But this is still a transaction Jimin."

"And why is that?" He asks teasingly.

"Because from what I understood your little girlfriend ditched you today so you just want to obligate your time more adequately."

Jimin's plump lips turn into a thin line.

"So don't expect me to think that your intentions are clean. It's obvious that you're upset with... What's her name again? Elaine? Ella?"

"Elena." Says another familiar voice.

I turn around only to see Taehyung leaning against the wall with a bottle of Chardonnay in hand. My eyes widen like tennis balls at the French alcoholic beverage. Each bottle costs like a 115,000 dollars. This bottle of wine can settle my college fees.

"Care for some wine Eye Candy?" Taehyung asks.

"Yes, please." I reply when I suddenly feel a tug at my hand. Jimin leads me towards the couch and sits me down while Taehyung disappears in the other room then returns with some shiny wine glasses. He pours me a glass and hands it to me and I take a long sip. This is going to be a long night in so many ways.

"Other than the pink hair is this your everyday attire?" Taehyung asks looking at me from head to toe.

"Well yes." I reply shortly.

"Interesting," he mutters then I feel a hand tip my neck forcing me to look up.

"I swear you look so familiar." He says put of nowhere. "Have we spent the night together before?"

If I had taken another sip from the wine I'd spray it all over his face.

"I'd remember." I mutter as his dark brown eyes slice through mine examining my every move my every reaction. That look makes me feel like I'm walking on eggshells.

He finally lets me go, but from the very expression on his face I can tell that he hasn't stopped thinking about it.

"Since you have arrived, I must assume we both want the same thing." Taehyung says.

Not quite.

"If by 'the same thing' you mean returning the favor then yes." I clarify.

I want to take advantage of Jimin just like he does.

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