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I wake at dawn with Jungkook's arms wrapped protectively around me. I don't want to move because I don't want to risk waking him up so I just look at his angelic face, drinking in the tranquility and the calmness that has settled on his delicate features. I notice the tiniest scar near his right cheekbone and I run my forefinger over it on instinct, letting it linger on the surface of his surprisingly smooth skin. He doesn't move an inch but he lets out a long slow breath, causing his lips to form the cutest pout. His bottom lip is plump-and so kissable at that as it practically engulfs his upper lip.

Giggling quietly at myself I run a finger on the outline of his lips and his mouth opens a little at the contact. I can feel his warm breath on my digits and I'm totally engrossed at the sight of his deliciously plush lips that I barely notice his large doe eyes staring at me in confusion.

"Morning," he smiles teasingly, his soft cushions brushing against my fingertips. When he sees that my fingers stay intact with his mouth he grins "If you like my lips so much you can just kiss me. But I must warn you, I have morning breath and that might turn you off."

"Thanks for the warning," I giggle and just when I'm about to stop assaulting his lips with my fingers his mouth opens and engulfs them in return. "Jungkook!" I squeal like a little girl. He's literally sucking on my fingers while laughing loudly. He gets up and wraps his arms around me before lifting me up effortlessly. I smack his bicep playfully and my fingers finally pop out of his mouth. His voice is hoarce and cracky from all the laughing. His hair is pushed back and he looks sexy as hell with his revealed forehead. His prominent brows make an appearance and the slight arch brings out his authoritative aura.

Jungkook lets go of me and I fall flat on the mattress. My body bounces a little on the soft surface and he reaches down to place a kiss on my cheek. However, I was expecting a kiss on the lips and he laughs at how puckered they look. I decide to ignore that and simply reach out for his neck pulling him close to me as I press my lips against his. The kiss is slow and tender and yet so consuming and breathtaking. His hands roam at my hips while I play with his messy hair. He pulls away first and flashes me the most adorable smile that causes me to melt inside.

He plants a kiss at the corner of my mouth and then proceeds pecking my jawline and the area behind my ear. Even though I'm biting my bottom lip I'm still smiling widely while my boyfriend gives me special treatment.


Jungkook kisses my neck and I let out an unwanted moan. He grins and one of his hands travels to my cheek as he tilts my neck for me. Goosebumps spread all over my skin when he kisses my throat and I choke on my breath. I start coughing and he looks at me concerned. I can feel my ears heat up.

Did I really choke on my breath while he was kissing me? God this is so embarrassing.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asks wide eyed and I nod.

"Yeah," I manage. Great, I ruined the moment. I cough once more to clear my throat and he caresses my cheek.

"Do you need some water?" Jungkook asks and gets up from the bed.

"No, it's okay." I say and he sits back down. "I'm alright."

"Are you sure?" He asks rubbing the back of his neck and I nod. "I'm wearing yesterday's clothes."

And yet you look so enticing.

I scoot towards him and straighten the collar of his white shirt. "How about I go make us breakfast while you go take a shower and change?" I suggest.

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