13 | nothing but a good fuck

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Jungkook positions himself between my legs on the couch. He slides down my lacy black bottom and throws it somewhere in the room. Then he takes one of my legs and puts it over his shoulder while he pushes the other to the side exposing my wet pussy to him. I look down at him and his dark lustful eyes glimmer in the dark. He starts kissing my ankle and I suck in a breath from the softness and moisture combined on his lips. He continues kissing up my calves and reaches my knees. I don't know why but I feel so ticklish whenever someone touches my knees. I giggle a little and he stops what he's doing.

Jungkook looks at me and carefully runs his fingers on the inside of my right knee and I turn into a giggling mess. I'm not happy or giddy at the moment but for a second I forgot where I was and what I was doing.

He laughs to himself and attacks the same area with kisses. "Your ticklish at your knees?" He asks.

"What does it look like to you?" I manage trying to stabilize my voice.

Jungkook moves upwards and kisses my inner thigh. Warmth spreads throughout my body and I rest my hands on top of my chest enjoying the wonderful sensation. I'm feverish, my ears are burning as he goes higher and higher to my most delicate area. I feel something building deep in my stomach and I can feel it down to my heat. He finally reaches the outer lips and he kisses them. I whine greedily looking at his head buried between my legs as the arrogant bastard continues to tease me.

He smirks against my pussy and I gasp. "Eager little thing aren't you?"

"Just eat me out and get it over with." I snap and he chuckles.

"As you wish." He says and I feel his mouth against my lips. I suck in a breath as he licks my folds slow but hard enough to make my toes curl. It doesn't take him long to find my clit and he sucks on that swollen piece of flesh extracting more and more juices. I moan loud and arch my back. I lower my hand down to my crotch and his strong hand captures mine in an instant. He draws away from my pussy and glares at me.

"Put your hands above your head." He says. "Don't you dare touch yourself."

I bite my lips and obey. I know better than oppose to his orders.

He then returns to my pussy as he thrusts inside with his tongue, slicing through my slit and reaching my clitoris. I moan and try my best to keep my hands above my head but my need for contact takes over and I reach for Jungkook's hair. He stops once more and flashes me a murderous glare.

"I can't not touch you while you're doing this." I groan. "It's an instinct."

Jungkook just grins and removes his leather jacket casting it aside. He removes his black T-shirt revealing his delicious abs. He's drop dead gorgeous. So beautiful and flawless. His body is sculptured and the analogies and curves remind me of Greek statues. I want to run my hands all over his chest and worship his body. If Jungkook wasn't manipulating me and treating me like shit, I'd probably be having a crush on him or something.

"Do you trust me?" He asks.

I gaze deep into his pitch black eyes. For a moment I can see a vulnerability, some sincere concern about my wellbeing. Something so small and puny and yet it's visible through his expression. Only that I don't trust him. Not after everything he did to me.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He says after a moment. Is he bipolar? One moment he spanks my ass in the university's auditorium and the next he's all caring and considering? Why is he fucking with my head? "Give me your hands." He says. It's an order.

I listen to him and he folds the shirt in a way that it's like rope and he ties it around my wrists. Then he raises my hands up and with the left over fabric he tugs it under the wide couch cushion we're currently on.

Jungkook then returns to my core and he spreads it open with his fingers. His tongue attacks again and my hands move automatically only for them to be restrained. His tongue licks up my spilling juices while fingering my clit. My neck falls back and I moan from the intense pleasure. My eyes screw shut and my thighs tighten around Jungkook. But he spreads me further exposing my insecurities and delicacies. He licks me up and down leaving no place untouched. Pressure builds in my lower belly and that means I'm reaching my high. My wetness is dripping to the couch and Jungkook wastes no time to eat me out. I moan again, giving him the drive to chase after my orgasm when his hands run up from my hipbone to my curves and settling on my covered breasts. If it weren't for that stupid shirt of his I would have torn my lacy top off. But he goes under the fabric and toys with my nipples making them harden like stones. I groan and my back arches instinctively as his tongue keeps slicing my clit. I can't do anything but moan and react. I'm reaching my peak and Jungkook's go further up as he folds my body so that he reaches my throat. He applies pressure at my windpipe and I'm thankful that it doesn't reach the point of suffocation. He suppresses my moans and I can only gasp when he eats me out. I let myself go and when I cum its seems so sudden. Especially when Jungkook is down there licking up the mess I just made. When he draws back, I see his face with my cum splattered all over him and that makes me feel embarrassed as hell.

But Jungkook licks his lips seductively. "You taste so sweet." He says and I can feel my heart stop beating.

He reaches up to me and kisses me. "Taste yourself." He says and I lick his upper lip taking in my scent and my taste. This is so hot, it makes me feel more aroused than it should. He bites my lip and I gasp arching my neck. He kisses down my neck and shoulder. I smile to the sensation pretending for a moment everything is normal and Jungkook is a caring and loving person.

His lips detach from mine just when I thought that he'd ask me to return him the favor as he says "You're nothing but a good fuck sweetheart."

That's when I feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. Everytime he says such a hurtful thing I feel like all of a sudden the euphoric feeling I get is suddenly replaced by the cold reality. Being with Jungkook feels like I'm high on Ketamine. Ironically enough people use this drug for abuse. Only Jungkook abuses my mental state. All my problems dissolve and with a single touch I immediately forget all that he's done to me. Until he hurts me again just by talking and then I feel like my whole world is crumbling. And just like a drug I can only take Jungkook in small doses or he might cause me harm. I hate myself for even thinking that he could change or improve. Jungkook is a bad person and that's a fact.

"Fuck you." I say my voice hoarse. I can feel my eyes well but there's no fucking chance I'll cry in front of that evil bastard. He's main goal is to break me but I won't let him no matter what he throws at me.

"I told you baby. It'll happen soon." He smirks.

You wish, Jeon Jungkook. You fucking wish.

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