20 | uncertainty

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"You are so fucking finished." Jungkook growls and grabs my hand with force dragging me towards a staircase.

"Jungkook," I snap "what the hell!" I snap, his large hand engulfing my wrist.

"Shut the fuck up." He grits applying more pressure on my hand as he drags me upstairs. "You are in no fucking place to swear right now."

"Jungkook, I said let me go!" I yell at the twisted bastard.

But his grip only tightens around my hand and it's starting to hurt.

"Silence." He says in a low tone that makes me cower.

He leads me through another hallway on the top floor and kicks open the door in one of the rooms. Probably his own. With a strong swing he shoves me inside and lets ahold of me after shutting the door and locking it. He turns the lights on. My purse ends up flying on the floor.

"What the fuck are you doing Jungkook!" I scream staggering towards the insane man. "Let me out now!"

He grabs my arms and throws me onto a soft surface like I'm weightless. My back lands onto a mattress and I jump a little as Jungkook climbs on top of me, he captures my wrists then pins me down on the bed our legs tangled and just like that I'm restrained. His crotch is dangerously close to my pelvis-his entire body towering over mine and I can feel his hot breath all over my skin.

"No way in hell." Jungkook growls. "I warned you Elena. And you decided to challenge me. But guess what, I wasn't fucking bluffing."

"Okay, you got what you wanted now!" I cry and he glares at me stunned. "You fucking kissed Joy! You finally got back at me! Now we are even." I wail, my voice cracking at the very end. My face is practically drowning in my tears. "What could you possibly want now?" I whimper, my vision turning blurry because of the liquid in my eyes.

Jungkook's grip around my wrists loosens up and I suddenly feel something warm underneath my lashes. His thumb wipes away my tears but I continue to cry harder than before, my hands reaching for my face as I rush to conseal my vulnerability and insecurities in this very moment. Saltwater cascades down my cheeks as I lie down with the man who hurt me on top of me, his hands slowly trying to pull mine away from my face.

"Stop!" I whimper. "Don't-I don't want y-to see me like t-his! I hate it! I fucking hate it! I hate you!" I boom.

But Jungkook doesn't move an inch. Instead, his hands snake upwards to my head as he cups my skull and he lowers down to slowly place a kiss on my forehead. His soft lips remain there while he caresses my hair, massaging the back of my head and strangely enough the very act seemed comforting to me.

"You don't," he whispers "you don't hate me."

"I do," I argue. "I hate you." But he only laughs to himself causing my insecurities to increase. "Shut up," I mumble "don't laugh at me."

That only makes him laugh harder.

And that starts to get on my nerves.

"What the hell is so fucking funny!" I exclaim and he immediately stops.

"Ah, Eye Candy." he groans. "You definitely don't hate me."

"Says who?" I argue.

"You're not being honest with yourself." He counters. "You don't hate me, you are trying to convince yourself that very thing."

"You're not one to lecture me about my emotional state." I spit. "I know exactly what I feel. However, your ass is bipolar and you need to go to therapy."

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