8 | backup plan

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This is going to be... Forceful. Might trigger anxiety so if you feel uncomfortable reading this click away.

Two weeks come and go and Jungkook hasn't showed up at the Golden Closet once. I couldn't spot him anywhere in the crowd and all the times I was summoned to go to the private rooms he wasn't there. Why the sudden disappearance? It's not that I miss him or anything weird. I'm only disappointed because I didn't get the chance to get back at him for the stupid games he lured me into playing. I still loathe and hate him from the bottom of my heart. I want my revenge on that bastard. I had the perfect plan that involved some 'toys', but since he didn't show up, I couldn't put it into action.

However, I came up with a better but riskier revenge plan. I put on my fuck-me outfit. A white loose sweater and a black brallete that is visible from the side, the shortest mini skirt I own, fishnet stockings and my black stilletos. Everyone's eyes were on me when I entered the auditorium but I didn't care. My main priority was Jungkook and I had to take care of him. My plan involves a pair of handcuffs under my skirt and an adjustable flogger in my bag. Basically, my plan is to torture him into leaving me alone.

When the bell rings, it signifies the end of the lecture and the beginning of my plan. I quickly leave the classroom, purposely forgetting my bagpack in the auditorium and then wait in the corridor for my colleagues and Mr. Lee to exit. Everyone hurries outside and I head back inside only to see Jungkook holding my bagpack. Jackpot.

"It seems like I forgot my bagpack." I say indifferently, but when Jungkook presents me my adjustable whip my blood runs cold. "You went through my bag?" I gasp in disbelief.

He grins like a devil and approaches me. "Can you blame me? Who knows what kind of sadistic scheme you were planning." He eyes my fishnet covered legs.

"Just give me my bag." I manage and he laughs.

"Not yet Eye Candy." He says and runs his tongue over his plump bottom lip. "Care to explain to me why you carry sex toys to a public place?"

I gulp hard. "It's none of your business." I snap and he comes closer while stretching out the flogger. The double click sound makes me flinch. Well there goes my chance at payback.

"I think," he starts "that you want to use this on me." He says deeply. Fuck, why did it sound so hot?

Jungkook grins and places my bag on the floor. I quickly pace towards it when he grabs my arm and shoves me at the Mr. Lee's desk.

"We're not done." Jungkook says and I freeze. He takes a step towards me and points the tip of crop's tip at me. He traces my right thigh with it and moves it upwards until he raises my skirt a little exposing the handcuffs. He strikes the inside of my thigh and I shriek. When I look at him, my handcuffs are in his possession.


Jungkook chuckles while I rub the sting on the inside of my thigh. Holy shit, the skin is burning and its getting really uncomfortable down there. He comes closer and shoves his knee between my legs. I can feel him on my sex and it takes me incredible willpower to not move.

"Tell me Eye Candy." He says. "Why did you bring this to the university."

I roll my eyes and climb on the desk. "I said, it's none of your business." I spit and his eyes darken.

"Answer me while I'm being nice." He warns, but I don't budge.

A few minutes pass when he suddenly drags me down and spins me around. Jungkook lays me on the wooden surface of Mr Lee's desk and I feel cold metal surround my wrists. I start panicking.

"What the hell are you doing!" I exclaim and he strikes with the crop again without a warning.

"If you don't answer me, I'll just force the answer out of you." Jungkook retorts and holds me down my the chain that links my wrists. "Don't you fucking dare move Elena."

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