94 | hypocritical

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a side note:

some of u were shocked when yall found out that Taehyung is related to Seokjin. so i want to quickly remind you that all the Kims are in fact brothers in this fanfic. it was mentioned on chapter 70 that Tae, Jin and Joon are siblings and how they're basically neck to neck bc they want to inherit the Empire along with the chain of hotels that is linked to it.

that is all, enjoy loves<3

Elena's POV

"So, do you want to hang out later?" I ask Yoongi when we get lunch at Enzo, a diner off campus. I watch him on the opposite booth as he munches on his french fries, dark triangle shaped eyes looking blankly at his half eaten king sized sandwich. He's unusually quiet which makes me worry and it makes me wonder whether something happened with his parents or if I did something wrong. "We could go to Amantes, if you want." I suggest. "Or we could hang out at my house and play video-games. Loser pays for takeout! You know, like old times."

"Sure," Yoongi says flatly then stuffs his face with fries.

I look at him carefully as I fork down my Caesar' salad, and bring it up to my mouth. His skin looks healthy, clear and smooth with a few pimples here and there. Dark circles shadow the underside of his insightful eyes, black spiky strands falling over his forehead, complementing his round face and accentuating his bone structure. I remember that when we first started to hang out on our first year in NYU I kept asking-no begging him to wear his hair up, to show off that handsome face, but for some reason he always refused to do it with a passion.

Yoongi doesn't really look sick, and his leg is perfectly still which means that he doesn't need to use the restroom. I wonder if something happened with his parents, because from what he's told me, they fight quite often. It's obvious that his family doesn't approve of his career path, considering that Asian households have sky high expectations for their children, even if they don't have the mentality or the will to exceed them. It is considered tradition for the children to excel academically and they need to master at least one musical instrument. I personally don't think that it's bad to expect the best results from your children, but if you set the bar higher than they can reach, then that could potentially turn into a problem. Because it is one thing to encourage a student to do their best, while forcing them to take a path they don't want to follow is a totally different thing.

"Yoongi?" I pipe. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, why?" Is all he says. He doesn't even lift his gaze from his plate and I clench my napkin in my hand. What is wrong with him?

I take a deep breath and clear my throat. "I don't know." I manage. "I'm just asking."

"Well, I'm alright."

I glare at him as he munches on his sandwich. He finally looks up, but his eyes never find mine. Instead, he looks outside at the main road while rhythmically tapping his fingers on the table. Oh my fucking God, this silence between us has never been so awkward before. His repetitive, wet chews and those annoying taps on the wooden are deafening and it takes everything in me to not just scream at him to stop.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask him and all the muscles around his jaw freeze. His fingers stop tapping the table. "Did I upset you in any way?"

He takes a long sip from his Coke and finally looks at me. "Now, what could you have possibly done that might have upset me?" Yoongi asks cryptically.

"I just asked you that." Why is he being evasive all of a sudden? We've always been pretty straightforward with each other.

He spares a moment scrutinizing me, as if he's expecting me to come clean about something he knows that I don't. "Fine then,"he resumes eating his sandwich, leaving me here hanging with my question unanswered.

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