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Elena's POV

"We should get going." Joy says all of a sudden. "I need to get some work done tomorrow in the morning."

We're currently hanging out in the living room binge watching 'Sweet Home' on Netflix. It's a pretty gruesome show about a dystopian world in which a troubled teenager and his apartment neighbors are forced to fight off the monsters and the terrors they encounter in order to survive. I love it so far and Jungkook seems thrilled.

Actually, I think that everybody is enjoying the show except for Joy, because she detests gore and a lot of blood. This entire show was a bloodbath and a treat for people who are excited about psychological thrillers. The story takes place in Korea and obviously the actors communicate in Korean, therefore I'm the only one who's in need of subtitles.

I wasn't really fond of horror movies to begin with, but for some unknown reason ever since Jungkook and I started seeing each other I wanted to watch them with him. He's not crazy about romantic comedies but then again so am I, but I find it amusing when we do something specific that peaks his interest, because his eyes shine with excitement and there are times when he gets overly thrilled that it makes me laugh.

"Aw, babe just say that you want to puke because of the excessive violence and the blood." Yoongi mewls and she elbows him a little harder than she intended, causing him to groan in pain. Taehyung and Jimin get up from the sofa right after them and we turn to them.

"You guys are going too?" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah, this was fun and I think this is the first time I've eaten a pizza in a month. You guys are feeding me too much." Jimin replies swiftly. "I need to wake up early for practice tomorrow."

"And I need to check on Jin." Taehyung says. "He wasn't home all day, so when I left the laptop at his office earlier, I couldn't find him."

"Alright," I mutter and get off the sofa.

"You need a ride to your apartment?" Yoongi asks and Jungkook glares at me warningly as in to remind me of what I promised him in the pool house several hours ago. "It's okay, I'll stay over with Jungkook tonight." I even brought a fresh set of underwear to change into once I shower.

"Call me later." Joy says.

"We'll see you out then." Jungkook intervenes. We all pace towards the exit and we talk some more as the guys prepare to get into their vehicles. Taehyung and Jimin came separately but Joy and Yoongi are leaving together. It warms my heart to see that my two best friends bring out the best in each other like that. They are the first to get in the car and drive away and while Jungkook talks with Taehyung, I head over to Jimin to patch up our differences. His back is facing me and I watch him as he puts on his signature jean jacket on top of his gray hoodie.

"Hey," I say awkwardly and he turns around. "Can we talk for a minute?"


"Well, there's no need to pretend anymore about what happened in the past so I just want to make things right between us." I start. "Now that you found out that I was the girl in the pink wig at the Empire I think it's safe to say that you were right when you said that I wasn't who I seemed to be. So, I guess that all I want to say; is that I'm sorry. I was rude that day when you called me to hang out, but I was stressed because of...you know."

"Actually," Jimin mutters "about the Empire. I already knew it was you."

My jaw threatens to fall to what I just heard. "What?" Is he serious? "How?" He shuffles through his bag for something when he retrieves a familiar peach colored lip gloss.

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