100 | compulsion

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Taehyung's POV

I'm bored and tired and all I want right now is a release. 

There are perks that come from having a rich ass father and determined brothers. Everything is within reach or you only need to snap your fingers once and then someone will come wagging their tail to obey your command. It's in the package and I'd be a fool if I didn't take advantage of all the privileges that come hand in hand with opulence. In a way, some can only assume that I'm spoiled, but not rotten. I understand that I mustn't take my family's success for granted and that I need to work towards my goals myself, because if I don't put in the effort myself, then I'll get nothing in exchange. 

However, I'm not a firm believer of the 'work hard, play hard' idiosyncrasy. Having a main purpose is one thing and working hard in order to achieve it is another but I stand on another level when it comes to getting what you want in life. Hard work isn't always going to guarantee your success, although you have nothing to lose but precious time. They say time is money; and in a way that is true. You can put countless hours of hard work and effort into one main goal and the result you'll get might not be as satisfying or gratifying. No, in order to get what you want in life you need to work smart and choose your opponents carefully. After inspecting the situation, you examine all the opportunities you have ahead of you, the people that are on your side and the circumstances, in order to eliminate those said opponents. 

Life is a series of opportunities and you need to have a keen eye to spot them. Then it's all about timing. But then again, not many people have the liberty to use those opportunities to their advantage. Just like the blonde whore that is sucking on my dick as if her life depends on it. Her name is Sasha, but I just call her a slut and she doesn't mind. In fact it only arouses her further when I degrade her. 

Like I said before, there are perks that follow with having successful brothers. This woman and her brown skinned friend who's lips are crushed against mine (I don't even remember her name) belong to my older brother. They work under him at a sleazy nightclub and whenever I'm bored I can easily use the services they provide. It's a short drive to the Golden Closet and I pick my entertainment for the night. I'm not committed to anyone, therefore I don't need to worry about emotional ties and tiring struggles that come with romantic relationships. I'm free to use my body however I please and no one can tell me shit about it because I'm a man. It's fucking aggravating though, the stigma that originates from when women want to feel comfortable in their own skin about their sexuality or when they want to experiment further with their options. And society being the judgmental bitch that she is will only degrade them for wanting to satisfy human needs, while if I fuck around I'll be praised. 

There's something so appealing about threesomes though. Sharing my body with one woman is pleasurable, but having one woman suck my dick as I finger another is just a different kind of pleasure. Having multiple sensations overwhelming your body at the same time, awaking the frenzy that overtakes you and the control you can have over them is exhilarating. I personally enjoy it when a woman is naturally submissive and it's even more interesting when she tries to put on a tough front, only for it to crumble to bits and pieces when she meets her match. 

The blonde woman's hands penetrate the base of my cock and she massages my balls as she deep-throats me like its no big deal, causing my head to fall back. The caramel skinned woman doesn't really do much, but her presence is adding to the scene. I groan and my hand flies to the blonde girl' head, pulling her off my dick. Her face is fucking mess, mascara running down her cheeks and dark red lipstick is literally spread everywhere but her lips. 

"You're doing so well sweetheart, but I want you to do something else for me." I say lowly, my eyes skimming the dark skinned girl. She looks younger than the blonde one and judging from her crouched stance, she's either new to this; or she's never had a threesome before and only joined because of mere curiosity. Curly black hair cascades down her waist, covering those brown breasts of hers. She's shy and I want her to come out of her shell. 

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