84 | clusterfuck

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some of you might not have read the previous chapter bc of the problem with wp notifications, so make sure to read that one first before you continue~

As soon as my shift ended at 2am, I leave the Golden Closet in the navy flannel I was wearing earlier and I wear the gray hoodie I brought with me, right on top of it, because it's freezing cold outside, my sweatpants and my coat. I sent a quick text to Joy, thinking that she's awake at this hour then walk ten blocks down until I reach her apartment. It's still drizzling, but thankfully it stopped pouring several hours ago.

I am trying so hard to keep it together with everything that has happened tonight. First, my fight with Jungkook and now Seokjin's 'offer' that I'm in no position to decline, otherwise he will eliminate my student career with one stupid cctv video of me and Jungkook together on his first visit at the Golden Closet. Jungkook can easily get off the hook, because his father can simply buy his way through to keep him in NYU, while I have no one to support me.

My palms are trembling and as I walk down the dark streets, I bite my nails frantically, clutching my duffel bag. I don't want to take that job as a whore at the hotel and I'm terrified of the consequences if I continue to defy Seokjin. He has me wrapped around his finger, blackmailing me just so that he gets what he wants and what I don't understand is why is he even targeting me in the first place.

I am doing my part in the Golden Closet and it's not like men would be requesting for me at the hotels. My body doesn't fit the standards considering the fact that I'm not curvy or voluptuous. My breasts are flat and my ass is practically nonexistent. The majority of men prefer women with more feminine qualities and I simply don't make the cut. The only reason why I even attract men at the sleazy nightclub is because of my change of attitude and my confidence.

Why am I always caught up in situations in which I am forced to do a man' bidding?

I know very well how this goes, but the only reason I got involved in this business is because I had no back up plan. And ever since I fell down the rabbit hole it is hard to find my way back up on the surface. Men like Seokjin want to have control over every single aspect of their lives in order to achieve their goals. To him, people are like pawns and the world is a massive chessboard where he monitors every little pawn to his advantage. He doesn't care about the consequences of his actions since he's only focused on getting what he wants like the arrogant bastard that he is.

Kim Seokjin is the kind of man who will present you a matter of opportunities that can help improve the quality of your life. It will seem too good to be true, but there's always a catch. Nothing in life comes for free. He will attempt to convince you that you're capable and worthy of such a life while he has his own personal agenda on the sidelines. He will make you feel important, wanted even desired just to get what he wants. However, if you dare to decline his offer he will take extreme measures to make you pay. Seokjin is ruthless, vindictive and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He will even make a background check on his subjects and dig up all the dirt from their past then hold it over their heads. That's how we all end up as marionettes in his game. And he's the puppeteer. Seokjin is the master of the game.

I check my phone to see if Joy responded, but she didn't even read my message. Perhaps, she's sleeping, although that's unlike her. Joy even gave me a spare key for her apartment and she doesn't mind it when I swing by unexpected. Her home is my home and vice versa. Sometimes, when I'm too tired after work, I sleep on her couch, because her place is closer than my apartment and Joy always welcomed me with open arms.

When I finally reach her place, I unlock the door and take the elevator five floors up and let myself inside. Her apartment is dark and I make my way through the living room and set my duffel bag on the floor, then head to her bedroom. Under the covers, I see two bodies in comfy clothing tangled up, holding each other almost innocently. Joy' chest is resting against a man' chest. I squint my eyes and that's when I realize that Yoongi is the one embracing her. Both of my best friends are sound asleep and I feel like a fucking weirdo, smiling from ear to ear at how cute they look. Yoongi probably came here right after we hung out at Amantes. He probably talked things out with Joy about her job and from the looks of it, it went well.

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