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Elena's POV

As soon as I open the door of my apartment, my cell phone vibrates in my pocket and I don't even bother to check my messages. I pace towards my bedroom where I toss my duffel bag on my bed then kick off my sneakers. I feel absolutely filthy after my night shift at the Golden Closet. 

My face is dry and my eyes are still sullen from bawling my eyes out at Joy's. I turn on the water heater and wait fifteen minutes before heading for the bathroom with a fresh towel in hand. After taking off my clothes, I finally hop in the shower and let the water spray on my tense body from the handheld shower head. 

My body immediately relaxes and my muscles loosen up altogether from the scorching hot water that shoots from the shower head. I squirt some soap on my sponge and rub it against my skin, brushing off all the dirt and filth from my body in hopes that my worries would somehow end up on the cold shower floor and down the drain. It's bad enough that I'm stressed because of my random encounter with Harrison, my fight with Jungkook, now Seokjin had to add into the fire. At this point I'm just a trouble magnet. 

When it concerns Mr. Harrison, all I have to do is avoid going to Carats with Jimin at all costs. That way, I won't have to see that scum' face ever again; while I need to take care of things with Jungkook, although this is a tricky situation, because there's no way in hell for me to apologize. He was the one being a complete dickhead just to avoid confrontation, so he should find it in him to climb down his high horse and be the better man. 

I haven't called or texted him since last night and I'm planning on giving him the cold shoulder until he cleans up his act. As for Seokjin and the cctv footage he has with me and Jungkook...I have no idea what to do about that. 

If he shows the footage to NYU, I might as well kiss my degree and my future goodbye from now. 

I lather up my body in soap and continue to rub the sponge on my skin until it turns red and I collapse on the bottom of the bathtub with foam going all over the place. 

Why is it that when I try my hardest to get somewhere, new harsher obstacles come up front? 

Life wouldn't be what it is without its trials and difficulties, but why do I have to face that kind of trouble?

No. That's not right. 

Why should I be the one to face that kind of trouble alone?

And even if I did have someone who could help me, what could they possibly do to get me out of this mess?

My sorry excuses of parents couldn't care less about me and I can't even talk to Jungkook about the matter with Seokjin because of our stupid fight. Joy is the only one who knows about most of my hardships, but she can't really do anything or my fucking boss will crush her under his heel once more. I can't afford to involve Joy in my personal matters again or she will truly lose everything. 

For just this once, I want temporary relief.

Something to distract me from any kind of invasive thoughts, even if it is for a fleeting moment.

Gripping the handle bar, I get off the floor and I finally rinse off my body then fling the curtain open. Just when I'm about to grab my towel from the handle, my gaze falls on the protruding iron bar on the bathtub' side.

Water drips off my body as I swing my leg over the bathtub, my left foot touching the rug on the floor. I lower down my hips until the cold iron comes in contact with my soft folds and I let out a shaky breath. 

Droplets slide down my skin and my hair is sticking on my back but I don't mind it. All I want is a sweet release.

Grinding my hips against the iron bar, it slices through my folds delicately, its cool yet smooth texture colliding with my wetness. I bite my lip, as I feel myself getting more and more wet, my juices trickling down my inner thighs. 

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