33 | i want candy

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To show my appreciation towards you imma give u a little something. triple update cause I love u💜 be safe. the next two chapters will be up in a bit.

Jimin's POV

We lost Eye Candy and I am to blame.

Taehyung and I have been searching for that girl for what it seems to be like an hour now and she's nowhere to be found. I was looking for her at the reception area, the restrooms and the Empire' perimeter and nothing. Ever since we exited our suite she vanished. Part of me was aggravated at Taehyung for losing her in the commotion but I was at fault as well since all I did was storm outside without a care in the world. I just hope she's safe wherever she's at. I bet she's upset at our recklessness and I don't even blame her for it. We requested her services and she showed up despite the fact that she was uncomfortable. We were responsible for her safety and she didn't deserve this abandonment. I really feel the need to apologize for my behavior.

My phone suddenly rings in my pocket interrupting my thoughts and the guilt that suppresses me. It's Taehyung.

"I can't find her." He says when I pick up. "I searched everywhere."

"Same here." I mutter. "This is my fault man."

"Well it takes two." Taehyung says. "I lost her in the hallway. But you did kind of dash out of the suite like a pussy."

"Fuck off." I snap and he laughs. To be honest, I wasn't scared. I was more in the heat of the moment and I was kind of upset when the fire alarm went off interrupting our little moment in the suite.

"Whatever man let's just go." Taehyung says. "I have classes early tomorrow."

"Yeah, so do I."

When I hang up, I take the elevator and head upstairs to the suite. I use the key card to open the door only to find Taehyung finishing off the last of the Chardonnay.

"I feel bad that we abandoned her." Taehyung tells me as soon as he sees me. "I should have been more careful with her during the whole commotion."

"Yeah, and it was a false alarm." I huff.

"I'm thinking of going to see her sometime soon." My friend starts. "To apologize and all. She didn't deserve that treatment."

"Yeah," I breathe. "so will I." It was the moral thing to do.

Taehyung rushes to the bathroom as he says "I wanna take a piss before we go. Had too much wine. "

I nod at him as he excuses himself, my eyes fixating on a shiny object on the floor, a few steps away from the bed. It has a peach colored tube and a shiny cap. Why does this look so familiar...

Then it hits me.

The hairs on my neck raise as realization rains down upon me. Could it be her? The very color of the lip gloss, the brand, the packaging-I bought this as a present for Elena's birthday! I examine the contents of the tube and it has been used halfway already. Elena has been using this product almost everyday at uni. The more I think of Elena the more I can see the resemblance on Eye Candy. The shared the exact same eye shape, button nose and luscious lips. I can't believe I got deceived by the pink wig and the fake contacts. My eyes widen like plates as I finally realized what was going on. The woman Taehyung and I invited to spend the night with us was Elena. The same Elena I was hanging out at uni, the girl I've been obsessing over lately. The same girl who canceled on me today.

I can't believe it!

Who knew Elena Thorne had it in her?

Now that I optained her skeleton in her cupboard... do I confront her or do I take it to the grave? I wonder who else knows about her dirty little secret other than me. There is a slight possibility that Yoongi knows because they are thick as theives. Come to think about it I could use this as an advantage. Eye Candy-Elena could easily submit to me if I held her precious little secret over her head. But no-I can't blackmail her. It would be the same as raping her. She would hate me and this particular subject is delicate. I need to ease her into the subject with caution.

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