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Yoongi's POV

It has been two days since my fight with Elena at Enzo's. 

Things have been awkward between us ever since considering that I didn't call or text her since then. We didn't carpool either and part of me is relieved that I didn't spend a lot of time with her face to face, because of my sudden outburst. But then again, I don't feel the least bit guilty about our argument and in fact I feel like there's  this invisible weight that has been lifted from my shoulders. I've been meaning to talk to her about this Carpe Diem incident and the sex tape her boss holds over her head. She's always been like this, avoidant, never willing to open up about her personal issues while expecting others to talk to her if they ever feel the need to vent. Even though that is really kind of her to do that, it is also extremely hypocritical considering that she doesn't live up to her words.

That's when I start thinking about Jungkook and I wonder to myself if he knows about any of this. I sincerely doubt that the bastard will even help her. His mind is set on one thing and one thing alone and while everyone around her can see all the red flags, she refuses to face reality. While I was hanging out with Jimin, he let me in on some concerning information regarding the way Jungkook treats other women while being intimate. He was a pretty busy man and honestly I'm not gonna judge him for that. Sex is a human need and no one deserves to be shamed or judged for what they like. However, I am going to criticize him for not being the least bit conspicuous. People talk, his friends talk and from the looks of it Jungkook is as fucked up as he appears to be. He gets off from other people's pain. It's one thing to satisfy sadomasochistic tendencies while of course having your partner's consent, but he's stepping on uncharted grounds when it's outside of the bedroom.

I honestly have no idea what Elena sees in him. 

I'm currently at Joy's place and we're watching a movie on Netflix. I don't really know how to bring up this subject about Elena to her, because if I do it might ruin our relationship. I did eavesdrop to their conversation after all and bet that she wouldn't appreciate that one bit. I really like how smooth and easy is this thing we have. We're dating two months now and we haven't really established what kind of relationship we have. 

We haven't even had sex yet which is kind of a first to me. I mean, we've done a few things here and there, but we really haven't been all that physical. And for the first time I don't know when is the right time for me to initiate it. Jimin says that I should just go for it and whatever happens happens. Only, Joy isn't really the kind of girl that would fuck someone at a whim. 

Or maybe she would fuck anyone at a whim, just not me.

I wonder what Elena would say. If things were okay between us, I could easily ask her for advice and we would be getting somewhere now.

The timing is just terrible. 

I sigh and shift on Joy's bed when she turns to look at me. Judging from the look at her face she's puzzled as to why I've stirred so many times on her perfectly comfortable bed. She extends her arm and pauses the movie. 

"Okay, what's wrong?" She asks crossing her arms. "Is the movie boring?" With her skirt riding up her thigh like that as she sits on her side, I'd say that it's quite the opposite. 

"No, no the movie is just fine." I reply and look away from her exposed thighs. Nice job Yoongi, I tell myself. You're conflicted and hard at the same time. 

Fucking Elena is cockblocking me, even though she's not physically here.

But Joy just crawls over to the other side of the bed to face me. "I smell bullshit." She chimes with a spontaneous smile. "Come on, tell me what's bothering you so much."

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