78 | coming clean

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Jimin and Yoongi are sipping on their beers, the entire conversation is being blurred out because I'm caught up in my head thinking about what happened earlier.

Slowly munching on my fries, the face of my old dance teacher appears in my mind. Harrison Stein hasn't changed one bit starting from his relaxed features, the natural tranquility behind his expression to his serious clothing. His shirt is buttoned all the way up, as he sometimes leaves one button undone, his shoe laces double knotted. His smile is friendly almost neighbor-like. Elegance is engraved in his movements, it's like a second nature to him, but he's strangely enough casual and knows how to get along with younger people despite his old age. He's easy to approach and everyone feels comfortable around his presence. I once thought that I could confide in him.

Let's just say that I should have never even considered doing that.

Because it cost me my dream.

And perhaps a tiny bit of my sanity.

My blood froze when I saw him entering Carats. And when Jimin greeted him, to say that I was shocked would be an understatement.

I barely even spoke when he walked past us with that innocent smile on his face. I couldn't physically react when I saw him, because I was scared.

No, I was petrified.

What happened between me and Harrison is in the past and it's not like I forgave him for what he did, but I couldn't take my revenge on him either because of my naivete.

But if I could, I would definitely make him pay for what he did to me all those years ago.

He took something from me that he can never give back.

"Elena," Yoongi says suddenly. "You okay?"

I stare at my best friend blankly across the booth and that's when Jimin starts talking, "You've been spacing out for quite some time. Are you feeling alright?"

"Also, eat your damn fries before I do." Yoongi throws. "I can't stand seeing that crispy little thing dangle from your mouth like a cigarette."

Jimin chuckles, his eyes turning to slits at his joke.

I quickly eat the fry and return to the rest that are on my plate. I turn my gaze to the window and look at cloudy sky. The weather report said that it's going to rain tonight. I am certainly not looking forward to going back into my freezing apartment where I can't turn on the heating.

"Oi, what's wrong?" Yoongi asks me and when I turn to him, I notice that Jimin is no longer next to him.

"Where did Jimin go?" I pipe.

"Girl, seriously are you high or something?"


"Jesus, ever since Jeon left town, you've been like a freaking zombie." He huffs.

The very mentioning of Jungkook makes my heartbeat accelerate. I've missed him so much. If he were here now, I would consider talking to him about Harrison.

"I'm fine," I say and that's when I remember the reason why I asked him to hang with me today. Yoongi is stealing some of my fries and dips them in his beer before gulping them down. I cringe in disgust at what he just did. "That's fucking gross."

"You dip fries in ice cream so don't look at me with that judgmental face."

"Touche," I chime, "um Yoongs? I need to tell you something."

"Oh my God." His nostrils flare.

"What?" I didn't even say anything yet.

"Don't tell me you're pregnant with Jeon's baby." He blurts and I nearly choke on my spit. "From the way you reacted I'm gonna go with no."

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