34 | morning wood

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Jungkook's POV

My throat is dry and something sticks in my throat as I take a sharp intake of breath that causes me to wake up. My neck is cramped and this needling sensation is coursing through my legs as I yawn. Elena is sleeping soundly on the armchair across me. Her body is comfortably laid on the armchair as her legs are stretched out on the arm and her hands are crossed against her tummy. Her cascading curls are tucked under her back while some dark strands dangle messily on her face. She's still wearing makeup and her mouth is kind of agape. I can hear her deep steady breathing and I feel strangely tranquil with her near me.

I get up from the uncomfortable armchair and head towards the mini fridge. I find a bottle of water and gulp it down. A light pain is playing on repeat all over my skull and I start feeling the symptoms of my hangover. Now this sucks. I notice the bag from the pharmacy on the coffee table and pop a pill. I plant my ass down on the armchair, put my feet on the coffee table and close my eyes. My headache increases and it eventually turns into a migraine. I decide to pop another pill and I place the package on the table careful not to make any noise and wake Elena. I glimpse over at her once more and drink in the peacefulness of her sleeping expression.

I will never fall back asleep like this. I think to myself. The sight of her is just so distracting.

So I get up from my seat and grab Elena's petite body then slowly yet carefully place her on the large bed. I tuck her under the covers and she shifts a little. I watch her as she grabs a pillow in her embrace then bury her face in its softness. Finally glad that at least one of us will enjoy the luxuries of this night I return to my miserable armchair. Only this time I move Elena's armchair across mine, creating a 'bed' for myself. I am about to lie down when I hear a ruffling sound coming from Elena's side.

"Jungkook?" She says in a whisper, her head barely visible under the covers.

"Yeah?" I pipe.

"Come sleep on the bed." She mutters.

Does she trust me?

"It's okay, I trust you now." She answers my unspoken question.

A gleeful smile forms on my face as I make my way towards the bed. Elena moves a little towards the side clinging onto the white pillow as I sink under the covers. Her eyes flutter open and I meet her crystal gaze. This moment just feels so real and beautiful and somehow heartwarming and I don't know what to say to her now. I close my eyes and hear her shift in her spot for a while until all noises stop and I find myself falling asleep to the sounds of our breathing. The black fabric of unconsciousness lures me under but not before I get the chance to feel her fingertips brush mine.

* * *

Luminous rays pierce through my eyelids, their subtle warmth heating up my skin signaling me to wake. I refuse to open my eyes while the rest of my senses grow heightened in a matter of seconds. I can feel someone move next to me on the bed, her sweet vanilla scent like a drug it's intoxicating I feel like I want to bottle it and treasure it forever. I turn around on my side, a smile lingering on my face as I slowly open my eyes only to find Elena next to me watching me yawn and stretch like a cat under the sheets.

"Morning," she beams and my heart skips a few beats.

"Hey," I purr lazily and to my surprise she leans in, her small hands cupping my face. Her lips brush against mine teasingly and that slight touch is enough to wake me completely. What's up with her this morning? I thought we agreed on giving her time to think about... what we are to become. She kisses me playfully and I find myself getting weak at her touches when she climbs on top of me straddling me. Her thighs squeeze my waist and her ass is so fucking dangerously close to my dick and her pressing against it doesn't make me better at controlling my actions.

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