92 | revelation

20.6K 911 150

Elena's POV

"Whatever it is we will figure it out Elena." Jungkook says breathlessly. His arms snake around me, his hands soothingly massaging my head. From the very gesture itself, I find solace in his embrace. 

I still feel like bursting to tears and simultaneously throwing a fit, but all those negative emotions I've been keeping pent up in my system slowly wear off when he's around. Nothing really has changed and from the looks of it, I'll probably have to sell my soul to the devil in order to not get myself or Jungkook exposed. But all of that doesn't change the fact that he's comforting me, despite not knowing that there's a recording of us doing inappropriate things, dangling as a chip over both our heads and the only way to ensure our safety, is by surrendering. There's nothing more I want to do than fight back for my rights, but when your opponent is far more powerful, strategic and an overall manipulative asshole, there's not much to do other than follow his orders. It's just how the world works. The strong take the lead in this world and the weak need to follow, otherwise the consequences will be dire. 

I can feel warm tears, leaving trails as they fall down my face, branching out over my skin, leaving cold trails as I bury my face in his chest, not caring whether I'd stain his white hoodie. Jungkook continues to caress my head, his fingers tangling in my hair as he waits for me to find the courage to speak. This is a whole new side of Jungkook that I've never seen before. Everyone has seen the ruthless, cruel and arrogant side of him and perhaps a few lucky individuals witnessed him acting gentle and all, but this...he's here for me, even though he's only seen my weaknesses. He doesn't know that underneath the 'good girl' act, there's something darker lurking beneath the surface. Or he's merely suspecting it and he's just waiting for me to come clean. 

I know how observant he is. 

And I know that he genuinely cares for my well being. 

But what he doesn't know is that we're the same. 

We share the same fear of showing our true colors to other people because once they see the broken slivers that shape us, they might walk away. 

The reason why he's still here is because he reads me carefully and has already jumped into that conclusion a long time ago. He already had his suspicions about me, but he never acted on them until he found out that I worked at the GC. That was when every theory, every intuition was confirmed. 

"Baby please tell me what is going on, so that we figure out a solution." I can hear him whisper when he finally attempts to remove me from his chest, but I snuggle into his hoodie even more. 

"That's the problem," I gasp. "I'm not the only one involved."

"What do you mean?" He asks and I detach myself from him. 

I look up at the ceiling and shut my eyes, grinding my teeth. "It's just that every single thing that I do gets other people involved...and they are the ones that end up getting punished for my wrongdoings." Jungkook's big doe eyes stare at me and wait for me to continue. "You know, when I was in my senior year of high school, I used to work with Joy at this cafe called Carpe Diem." I look at him carefully and he nods. "That cafe turned into a club at night and I usually worked during the evening shift and sometimes after work, I would hang out with her at the club. We would occasionally drink when we had company and I was considered the responsible one out of the both of us, so I tended to drink with measure while keeping an eye out on my friend."

"Okay," Jungkook says, but it sounds more like a question. I can tell that he's confused about my story, but I continue anyway.

"Carpe Diem was and still is considered foreigner friendly and since Joy is more outgoing than me, she managed to socialize with them better than I did. The club is a shared ownership property and the brothers that own it are Koreans, so naturally it attracted a lot of Koreans." I explain. "Joy is Korean so of course she would talk to them and I love K-pop and K-dramas, so I figured it was the perfect opportunity to get to know the culture better and finally talk to people that share the same interests as me." Jungkook smiles at that and I clear my throat before I proceed. "Korean guys would also go there and they were older than us and far more attractive than the guys in my high school," His lips now turn into a sour pout and I almost laugh at his sudden occurring jealousy, "and I was stupid and naive back then to think that hey; I could get a cute, older boyfriend. We talked with those good looking exotic guys, exchanged numbers and agreed to meet here again-"

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