not an update

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So imma get straight into the point.

I won't be able to update this week and maybe the next one too because of well... life.

So I wanna do something to make it up to you.

Perhaps a Q&A would be interesting?

Ask me whatever you want about the book, fun facts, the characters, my life and I'll try my best to answer. Be creative! (I don't mind answering questions about sensitive topics since I consider this a normal conversation) I'm not a professional author but structure wise, I think I can give good advice

You can even ask: Why is Jungkook such an asshole? I won't take it to heart. I don't get offended easily so feel free to express yourselves♥️

I posted this on my wall but I'm posting this here too. Might delete later if I don't have enough questions (but I'll answer even if it is one question because I have manners and I appreciate you)

I've never done this before. I T I S M Y F I R S T T I M E

I'd like to receive at least five questions in total, but by all means drop as many as you want. You can post them here or my message board. I won't tag you so don't be shy❤️

I love you💜 and I'm sorry for not being able to update. It's just I'm kind of drained and I don't want to ruin the last remaining shred of my pride😊

 It's just I'm kind of drained and I don't want to ruin the last remaining shred of my pride😊

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bye💜 i love this man even with unruly hair and cute flannels.

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