80 | outburst

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There are countless things I want to ask Jungkook, but I refrain from doing so just yet, because I want to enjoy my little time with him before I go to work. Normally, I have a shift at the Golden Closet around ten and even though I'll probably be running a little late tonight, it will be totally worth it. I'm insanely curious about who is that girl that Jimin was referring to earlier when we were at the stairs and why Jungkook is so secretive about her.

When it comes to Jungkook, everything is a puzzle and with each piece I obtain, I get to learn something entirely new about him. I like this unpredictability when I'm with him, how impulsive he can be from time to time and I love it when he catches me by surprise, but I feel like he keeps me in the dark for too long.

Even though I totally respect his space, I still have a right to know why he went to Seoul and who he visited during his stay. I was the one who told him that I am alright with taking things slow and I seriously hope that he isn't taking me for granted. I can be patient, but if I see that he's just stalling the inevitable then sadly this is a waste of time. 

Jungkook and I are currently in my kitchen and I'm preparing a quick late night snack for us while he just sits at the table and observes. I'm planning on making a chocolate mug cake and Jungkook told me that he's never had one before, so now I'm going to dazzle him and feed his sweet tooth then ask him to tell me about this girl he went to see in Seoul.

I start by adding three tablespoons of all purpose flour in each mug, some baking powder, a handful of chocolate chips along with cocoa powder, sugar and salt and a little vanilla extract. I pour some milk in our mugs and stir both mugs until the mix turns smooth then cook them in the microwave. When our mug cakes are finally ready, I bring them out of the microwave and set them on the table with spoons and a glass of water. I take a seat on the chair opposite of him cross legged.

He stares at his mug cake with wide eyes. Grabbing the cup with both hands he inhales the chocolate aroma and a giddy smile surfaces on his lips that makes me giggle lightly as I dig into my one minute baked cake. He follows after me and scoops a piece of the cake.

"Whoa, that's delicious!" He beams and I cast my own mug away. 

"I'm glad you like it." I smile.

"Like it? I love it." Jungkook exclaims. "Seriously, is there anything you can't do?"

Well, I guess we're going to find out now. "Jungkook?" I pipe.

"Yeah?" He says while chewing on the sweet.

I pull on the sleeves of my dark blue flannel shirt and bite my cheek anxiously. "We need to talk." 


Why is he acting clueless? He knows exactly what I want to talk about, yet he's pretending to be indifferent. I raise a brow and glare at him. "Don't make me spell it out for you Jungkook. You know very well what I want to talk to you about." Jungkook finally puts the spoon down and faces me. 

"I guess you want to talk about why I left for Seoul." He sighs. 

"Of course I want to talk about that." I say. "You left New York without saying a word and I had to find out from your stepbrother." His eyes find mine and in those glimmering black pools I see remorse. "It hurts, you know? Having to find out about your whereabouts from someone else. You wouldn't like it I left town without telling you."

"You're right," he agrees and extends his hand to grab my sleeve. "I'm sorry." I find it fascinating how his face changes entirely based on the emotions he's trying to convey and right now his cheeks are rounder than before, his lips are pouted and his brows don't look as aggressive and authoritative. 

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