61 | on the sidelines

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Lunch period is practically the only free time I have and it sucks that I can't spend it with none of my best friends. Taehyung doesn't have any classes today, Yoongi isn't answering to any of my texts and Jungkook is most probably with Elena getting lunch off campus.

It's strange, the fact that Jungkook hasn't mentioned anything about his 'relationship'. I mean, we're supposed to be best friends. I've known him my entire life and he isn't secretive when it comes to girls. Also, I doupt he's taking Elena seriously because he doesn't go for girls like her. Girls that seem sweet and nurturing. The kind that looks like they don't know what they want when in reality they've mapped out every single aspect of their life. Surprisingly enough, behind the 'girl next door' attire, Elena is quite wild and reckless, so there's a chance that she and my best friend are simply fuck buddies.

Elena can't afford to be with someone like Jungkook. As much as I care about him and appreciate him, he will be a big distraction for her and not the good kind. I don't know what his intentions with her are, but chances are he's playing her.

It wouldn't be the first time he's toyed with someone's mind.

I wonder if Jungkook even knows that Taehyung and I invited her to spend the night with us at the Empire Hotel.

Whatever, it's none of my business anyway.

I gulp down my lunch and head to the library with my bag pack slung over my shoulder. In all honesty, all I want to do now is go back to my place and sleep the rest of day away but unfortunately I have a paper due for next week and I need to finish it, so that I can focus more on my training.

I'm utterly exhausted and I feel like I'm going to collapse any minute. This entire week has been monotonous and I feel like I'm going to go insane if I don't talk to someone. The only good part of my day was the quick fuck in the showers with Lyra. I'm not one to look down on routines considering that I everything I do is planned out. Some routines are necessary in our daily life because they ensure our safety, they're convenient and less time consuming. But right now, I would give anything not to follow through my skedule. I want to rest or just talk to someone.

An irritating ache is buzzing on my temples. I run a hand through my hair, and massage my scalp before reaching for the painkillers in my bag. I stop in my tracks, swallow down two pills with water and pray for the medicine to work its magic.

I continue pacing towards the library building with the migraine crowning my head and try my best to ignore the excruciating pain as I head inside. I'm thankful for the quiet atmosphere but unfortunately silence doesn't help reduce stress and tension.

And apparently painkillers are ineffective.

If I keep going like this until exam period-I don't even want to think about it. Nothing will stop me from excelling.

I spot a familiar crouching figure sitting in one of the desks behind the towering bookshelves.

Elena Thorne.

She's wearing a white sweater that falls off the shoulder, a red plaited skirt and combat boots. The strap of her bra is showing. Her leather jacket is hanging on the chair next to her and her legs are crossed. Dark brown locks are pinned up into a messy bun, exposing her slim neck. She's deeply concentrated on whatever assignments it is that she's working on her laptop, her scarlet lips forming an irresistible pout. She doesn't notice me, but I'm watching her as her hand falls down on her lap, her fingers dangle on her inner thigh. She's a treat for the eyes, but if someone catches me gawking at her like this they'll think I'm some creep.

"Hey," a deep voice says in a whisper and she tilts her neck. Jungkook approaches her and I hide behind the bookcase on instinct.

"Hi," Elena beams. This is quite literally the first time I've seen her smile at Jungkook. "What are you doing here?"

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