95 | alligator eyes

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Jungkook's POV

I wait for Elena at the bar in Amantes Amentes as soon as my lectures for the day end. I ask her via text how long until her class finally comes to an end and she replies telling me that her Graphics Design course is gonna take a little longer than anticipated, because the professor ran a little late today. I only saw her for a few minutes today when she returned from lunch.

Normally, Yoongi would be keeping her company but this time she was alone and she came back to campus on foot. That seemed kind of peculiar to me considering that she and Yoongi are inseparable. If Elena isn't hanging around me then she's probably either with him or Joy.

Something was off with her today, but then again I understand why she's tense with the whole Seokjin situation. She's probably anxious about having to work at the Empire, but I need to find a way to help her out of this mess. Initially, I suggested to her that we speak to Taehyung about this because he's probably the only person that can face him head on. But Elena never gave me a clear answer. She probably doesn't want me to involve Taehyung into this.

Both Seokjin and Tae are hard headed and they only have one thing in mind. Their entire life's purpose is to  inherit the Empire and the chain of hotels that are included in the contract. Now, their father isn't aware of the side businesses that Seokjin is running which makes it the perfect opportunity for Taehyung to strike where it will hurt him the most. Once, Mr Kim finds out about all the illegal businesses that Seokjin has been harboring right under their noses, there's no way in hell for him to inherit anything from him. Therefore, by exposing Seokjin to his father means that Mr Kim will get him out of the way leaving behind two perfectly capable candidates who are more than willing to put their hands on the golden mine.

Or we could just play Seokjin' game better than he does by blackmailing him with exposure. Just how he's doing to Elena. It doesn't even have to be Taehyung or Namjoon the ones that will expose him. I can easily do it myself, only I don't really want to get caught up in their family matters. Although, I can't help but wonder why hasn't either of them told on Seokjin yet?

However, if it comes to that, I won't hesitate to go to Mr Kim and tell him everything about Seokjin, because it's Elena's life on the line. Her future. Her body.

No one should be telling her what to do with those things.

I need to discuss this matter with her regarding telling Taehyung.

Suddenly, my phone buzzes with a text from Elena: I'm on the bus, I read, I'll be there soon.

"Hello, what can I get for you?" Asks a pale blonde bartender and I put my phone down.

"I would like a whiskey on the rocks." I say swiftly and the guy nods when he takes out an old fashioned in which he puts the ice cubes first before adding the whiskey.

"There you go," he tells me when he places it on a black glass mat in front of me.

"Thanks," I mutter and raise the glass. I take a sip from the glass in front of me and the bartender is just gawking at me as he takes the orders from the couple in a few seats away from me.

"I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable by looking?" He asks with twinkling sky blue eyes, while adding his ingredients into the rin.

"Uh, yeah kind of." I reply. Okay, why is this dude talking to me?

"I apologize," he tells me and pours the contents into a tall glass after shaking the life out of the rin, "but do you mind if I ask you something?"

You already did, I want to say, but I don't know this guy. "Sure, I guess."

"Are you Korean?" He finally inquires.

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