54 | monopoly

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When classes finally came to an end, I texted Jungkook and Yoongi to inform them that Joy and I would meet them at the movies around eight thirty before heading for the library to complete some homework assignments. I don't see Jungkook for the rest of the day which is something I'm quite thankful for, because if he were around I wouldn't be able to concentrate on my responsibilities.

Truth to be told, I've been a little out of my head all day today, ever since this morning when we've had a little moment at my apartment and then in class when he made a request for me. I was so turned on by the deepness of his voice that I almost immediately agreed to it. God whenever he's around I lose my sense of reason and if I'm being honest... I kinda like this messy, chaotic vibe that surrounds us. It makes me feel comfortable in my own skin and I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not around him. It's almost liberating.

It's currently seven am and I'm in my room, waiting for Joy to come over. We made plans to meet up at my place to get ready and doll up, because it has been a while ever since we've had our makeover fun. I think the last time we've had a dress up game was the summer after graduating high school when we went to Seoul for vacation. I feel bad that I don't have time to hang out with her like old times because I'm always busy with my studies and work. But being the amazing friend she is, she understands and she's also hauled up in her shop most of the time.

I take a quick warm shower with my hair pinned up. I take my time shaving my legs, armpits and pubic area since I haven't used any hot water today. I have Jungkook to thank for that.

When the bell rings I head out of the bathroom and storm to the door with a towel wrapped around my body and pink furry flip flops. We're like sisters, so we're comfy with each other's presence.

"Hey bitch!" Joy says with a contagious smile. She's wearing a black tank top and dark gray sweats. A duffel bag is slung over her shoulder and I assume that her outfit is inside.

"Hi!" I smile and gesture her to come in. She gives me a bear hug and I tighten my arms around her. "How are you?"

"I'm just excited we're gonna go out together!" She beams and releases me from her suffocating embrace. "It's been so long. All we've been doing is hang out in each other's places wearing baggy sweatshirts and leggings. I wanna wear a sexy dress and high heels. I want to go out with some hot guys-"

"Me too." I giggle and we pace to my room.

"Hot guys that give a shit!" She shrieks.

Well, Yoongi's a catch and I have a strong feeling they'll compliment each other pretty well.

"Yes girl!" I follow her lead.

"I missed hanging out in your room bitch!" Joy groans. "We always hang out at my boring apartment."

"At least your apartment is bigger." I say. "You have two bathrooms and you're on the top floor. We need to keep it down otherwise the landlord will bitch about it for weeks and I'm not in the mood to deal with her shit."

Joy takes a quick look at my hanger then turns to my closet. "You know what you're gonna wear?"

"I'm not so sure yet."

"Well I kinda wanna wear this black dress I brought with me," she starts "but I want to pair it with your circlular red purse. You know the one with the silver chain and the bow?"

"You can have it." I say.

She winks at me. "You're the best hoe."

"I know."

Joy rummages through my closet and fishes out the red purse. She lets out a satisfied squeal and says "Let me do your makeup!"

I purse my lips and she pouts. "Okay,"

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