17 | go get him

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His skin is glistening under the neon lights that glow like flashlights on the dancefloor. Beads of sweat illuminate the colors around him and shine on his neck like a diamond necklace as he moves gracefully in a sea of people that seem like motionless bodies in comparison. He dances with his soul on the tips of his toes, his eyes shut with tiny crinkles on their corners, one of the million signs that indicate dancing is his favorite thing in the world. His plump lips slightly protruding as he concentrates on moving, the music-ear pollution blasting like honks in a trafic jam. All sounds around me are muted because I watch him dance. He makes me forget my surroundings and I can easily get caught staring at him. Lucky for me everyone is focused on finding the ideal nightstand instead of acting civil.

Oh, Park Jimin... What will I do with you?

Standing in the corner observing his every move is no easy task. There are people bumping onto me every several minutes, some are blocking my view while making out in the most animalistic way possible and I grow infuriated when that happens so I'm forced to move forward into the center in order not to miss a single second of his performance.

"Hey Elena!" Joy calls out to me.

I turn to her and gulp down the last bits of my drink. "Hey,"

"Why are you standing there like a peasant?" She inquires. "Go get your ass a hot man and jump his bones already!"

Aish, this girl will never understand.

I only want Jimin.

Only him.

"Where's Jimin?" Joy suddenly asks and I immediately come to life.

"He's in the center of the dancefloor." I tell her. "I don't know if you can see him." Then I gesture towards the area pointing at a specific blond head with a muscular and flexible body dancing like there's no tomorrow.

"Fuck me, he's hot." Joy hisses.

"He's mine, back off bitch." I warn adding the tiniest hint of humor so that she doesn't get offended.

"Bitch he's yours. You don't have to go all possessive and shit with me." Joy says. "Besides I want Yoongi to fuck me so damn hard."

Okay, the drinks are speaking in her place right now.

"I want him to pull my hair and order me around. Boy, he's fucking daddy material. I'd let him do to me anything his twisted mind desires." Joy continues.

I've been there before...

"Well, my point is," She starts "go get him."

I turn to my best friend and grin. "You know what? You're right."

"Damn right I am bitch." Joy says enthusiastically. "And don't you fucking come back unless you've had his dick up your pussy."

Now she's becoming slimy.

I grab another drink from the counter as I move further inside the endless seam of bodies. I think it's the eighth cup I grabbed, but I'm still able to walk properly. Jungkook obliterated the tiniest chance of finally letting loose and have fun by threatening he'd fuck my best friend if I dared do something rash with the guy I like. Aggravated I move my feet, ignoring the numbness on my ankles-those fucking stilletos are killing me! I don't give a shit about that arrogant asshole. He doesn't have the right to boss me around and use me as his personal sex slave when we're alone. Plus, he's probably screwing someone else right now so he can't throw any damn excuse to me just because his royal ass desires to claim me as his own.

I get closer and closer to the center of the dancefloor as Jimin's dark brown eyes flutter open and capture mine.

Fuck me, I think to myself.

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