22 | hate me

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"I will represent all the sinful things you never had the courage to do." Jungkook says, his voice coming out in a growl that sets nu clear blasts in my stomach. My eyes are nailing his hand as the glossy string of saliva that links us suddenly breaks. "Let me be the sin you are scared to commit." He says deeply, his wet fingers trailing my scorching hot skin, the smell of sex and sweat overwhelming me to the fullest.

His mouth then lifts my lower body and he quickly grabs a pillow then stuffs underneath me. My pussy is facing his face and I press down onto the soft material as I wait for him to continue.

His nails dig into my hipbone, a numbing pain spreading all over me in such a short moment.

"Yes!" I rasp, my breath sticking in my throat.

Right now this is all I want.

He separates my thighs further and buries his face in my pussy. His long wet ribbon of a tongue skillfully slices through my folds as he licks me up in flst straight lines. He inserts his digits inside me and pumps them in and out brushing my clit extracting more juices from me. Slurping wet sounds mixed with moans of pure ecstacy echo throughout the room while Jungkook continues to play with me pushing me to the edge. His strong hands keep my thighs apart and my wrists are restrained. I'm clawing with everything I've got into my palms but when his tongue swipes my slit I cry out like a mad woman. I'm already seeing stars and I can feel a heavy pressure building deep in my stomach. When I feel his teeth tugging at my folds I lose it. My hands are aching from the restraint-I want to reach down to finger my clit in order to finally make myself cum but the position I'm in right now prevents me from doing so.

So close-so fucking close!

Grinding my hips against this man's face I try to ride out my orgasm, but his hands snake around my pelvis pressing me down and then this delicious sensation suddenly comes to an end.

"Fuck!" I groan and I feel his wet lips course on my thigh.

"You're not going to cum just yet Eye Candy." Jungkook warns. His mouth all the way to his jaw is drenched from lapping on my juices. "You're going to cum all over daddy's dick and then you're going to take all of my seed like a good girl until all that flows out of your holes is going to be my cum."

Daddy? Fuck that's hot.

I never pegged Jungkook to have a daddy kink.

He then helps me up and undoes the belt that secures my wrists. My hands fall on his shoulders and I hungrily grab him and crush my lips onto his. I lick the leftover substance of my arousal and he groans in my mouth as I feel him grin satisfied. He towers over me and I stare at his naked form in awe. Scattered faded scratches and scars cover his entire body and my mouth dangles like an open drawer at the sight. The scars look faded but there's still a mark carved beneath the surface.

Where do these brutal marks come from? And most importantly who was the one that hurt him?

My fingers travel to his chest on their own accord tracing one of the scars near his stomach when he suddenly grips my hand and pulls it away from the scar.

"Who hurt you?" I ask softly furrowing my brows. Those scars weren't visible in the Golden Closet because of the extremely low lighting.

But instead of getting an ordinary reply Jungkook caresses my cheek with his free hand and lowers down to kiss my lips. For the first time I sense this weak side of him and I feel the need to investigate this. Maybe there's a reason why Jungkook is toxic as hell. And perhaps there's a way to resolve whatever it is that's going on with him.

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