85 | secrets

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Yoongi's POV

Joy' sweet green scent washes through me in a refreshing wave of lavender mixed with aloe. Straight ebony colored hair cascades down her waist, some stray hairs wander dangle on her face covering her delicate features.

Her head is resting against my chest, the collar of her hot pink pj shirt brushes against her cheek and strangely enough I find myself enjoying this kind of intimacy, the one that doesn't require being physical in any way and it's just this. Me and this girl sleeping on the same bed after a soulful conversation about her job and how it doesn't and shouldn't matter to me.

In all honesty, I don't think that academics determine who you are and I don't look down on people that haven't gone to university. Some aren't fit for it or they aren't economically flexible to apply or they're simply unsure of what they want to do in life, but in the end of the day what really matters is that you're still trying your hardest to support yourself without having to rely on others. However, I didn't always have that mindset. There once was a time when I thought that in order to reach stability in life you need to be academically successful, until I was proved otherwise. 

From what I've gathered so far, I think that Joy is kind of lost and needs guidance. We're all lost at some point in our lives and it's totally normal to feel discouraged. During my high school years, my parents didn't approve of me becoming a music producer and instead they set their expectations sky high as they wanted me to study hard to become one of the holy trinity; either a businessman, a lawyer or a doctor. In most Asian households, parents take pride in their children getting a higher education and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that—until they overstep their boundaries by ripping your music sheets to shreds, shattering your guitar to bits and pieces and burning your first piano, you've had since your childhood years. 

Even though I came from an affluent background, I never had it easy. My parents, especially my mother would act like a tyrant when I was younger, thinking that fear would serve as a motivation for me to do what she wants, but little did she know I was a rebellious fucker that couldn't be bothered. 

Of course, I didn't let her off the hook after everything she had done. And boy, was she shocked when I got my payback. My dad was and still is to this day an alcoholic, and even he was scared shitless.

Let's just say that my folks didn't underestimate me ever since and I was free to do as what I pleased.

All Joy needs is a push. With the right guidance, she should be able to find her way. She isn't dumb although she might act like it when it's convenient, but I'm positive that something else prevented her from going to college. This girl is wild, spontaneous, creative and resourceful, she can do anything if she sets her mind to it.

Her vanilla soap is like a drug and I need to get out of bed soon enough, because I have early classes. 

I don't want to leave. 

I extend my hand over her side of the bed, only to feel the cool fabric on my palm and my eyes flutter open. 

Joy is probably up already. 

"Shit, what time is it?" I whisper hiss and grab my phone from the nightstand next to me. It's only seven fifteen. I look around in her fairly spacious bedroom and grab my jacket that is sitting on her desk chair and kick into my sneakers. Her bedroom is rather cute with the ivy plants that are snaking above the bamboo headboard and the fairy lights twinkling in the dark. Personally, I wouldn't keep plants in my bedroom or pretty much anything living that needs regular maintenance since I'm a lazy fuck, but I find myself liking this choice of decor. It really suits Joy. An antique lounge chair with a white furry blanket and a flashy disco ball is placed right on top of it, is in the corner of the room and I notice that one of the wheels is broken. Collages of different models in various sizes and colors are decorating the wall right above her organised desk and I smile at the diversity. She sees beauty in all forms.

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