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What inspired you to write Eye Candy (other than BTS)?

Oooh, that's an interesting question! And to answer truthfully, BTS wasn't my main source of inspiration. I had already planned out official characters and the story itself was completely different from the one I posted. My main inspiration for the story is a drawing I did in class when I was bored out of my mind and I
needed an escape. I began drawing Elena in her platinum blonde wig, her hands wrapped around a pole when I drew this boy who was mesmerized by her performance.

Then it was like the story formed itself in my head.

Like I said before, Eye Candy had a completely different plot. Originally, Elena Thorne was the same university student who faced a financial crisis, and then Jungkook would recognize her in the sleazy nightclub and confront her. While I was drawing the characters, I pictured Elena as a strong willed woman, dynamic and fearless with or without the attire, while Jungkook would be this cute, shy guy who crushed on Elena and his friends forced him to go to the strip club where he finally recognizes her.

When I was writting the very first chapter of Eye Candy, I decided to change the characters completely and I followed a completely different approach for the fun of it. I wanted to experience the characters from a different point of view. I wasn't really sure if it was gonna work, but I decided to risk it because I wanted to challenge myself. I didn't have anything to lose so I went with the flow. Also I figured that most men wouldn't be very caring and considering towards a woman who engages in prostitution, so I altered Jungkook's character. I wanted him to seem cruel and ruthless. He's obviously problematic and is in serious need of therapy. But he has had a neglecting childhood which (kind of) justifies his actions (it doesn't).

So yeah, my inspiration for this story came from this messy drawing I did in class when I was profoundly bored. I even asked a friend of mine to color it because she's an amazing artist.


I know the outline looks bad, but this is only a draft I did in class so

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I know the outline looks bad, but this is only a draft I did in class so... I turned it into a fanfic u think a month or two later because the bowl cut reminded me of JK

Are there any books that inspired you to write it?

Hmm, not quite.

You see, I refuse to let myself get carried away by other people's work, because I want to be authentic in my own strange way. I want to create stuff that has my own special mark on it. I don't know if I achieved that yet but I still have a lot to learn. Like bro I'm writing smut for crying out loud. Music, however can help me come up with a plot idea. I also get inspired by real life events or people I encounter. The good sides and the bad sides of life are my inspiration.

Who is your all time favorite author?

Well, I wouldn't consider myself a book warm. But the books that I choose myself, to read are books that I fall in love with (inside and outside of wattpad). I don't think I have a favorite author or a favorite book because each author as an individual has their own way of thinking and structuring a story, so if the book is good it's good. I hope it makes sense.

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