121 | jeopardy

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A half hour ago...

Elena's POV

If there's one thing I'm thankful for in this incredibly hectic day, is that I have Yoongi here keeping me company. As I rummage through my closet for some comfortable clothes, my gaze falls on the shelf on my left that is filled with a few of Jungkook' sweatshirts and jeans. Grinning sneakily to myself, I snatch the black one on the top which conveniently enough is the one he wears often, therefore the material is softer, then I grab a pair of matching sweats from my own side along with the first pair of black lingerie I find in the drawer. When I toss the clothes on my bed Yoongi looks through them.

"Aren't you supposed to wear something like..." he starts saying and I cut him.


"I wanted to say fancy." He corrects.

"Hmm, you're right." I mumble more to myself than him and grab a dark blue sleeveless dress and a silky ivory one. Turning around I present the two outfits in my hands and Yoongi shakes his head. 

"Jesus no," He huffs. "That dress doesn't scream 'fuck me daddy'." He gets up from my bed and paces towards my closet and looks through the labyrinth of dresses and plaid shirts I randomly shoved in there. "Now, if I were a successful businessman or a doctor who has three kids and a wife who doesn't have time to suck my dick because she's busy planning her extravagant dinner parties and charities what would I want my entertainment of the night to wear?" Yoongi finally removes a skin tight black long sleeved dress with strings at the side that you I can adjust at whatever length I please. "You'd look hot in this. If you wear those boots that reach your ass cheeks you won't have to worry about your legs freezing."

Breathing out a laugh I say, "Thanks a lot Yoongs, but those thigh high boots don't match."

"Then what are you going to wear in order to keep yourself warm?" 

"I don't think that wearing sweatpants to an extravagant hotel, I was hired to fuck a successful businessman, is going to convince anyone that I'm here for...you know." I tell him. "Plus, Taehyung arranged for us to be in the same room and from that point on it's up to him to distract Seokjin in order for Jungkook to go to the Golden Closet-" My bottom lip is quivering as I speak and Yoongi notices that I'm already starting to panic. He draws me close and embraces me until my breathing calms down. 

"I know it's silly to ask, but are you okay?" Yoongi questions, his voice low and raspy. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I nod then pull away from him. My phone suddenly vibrates on the nightstand and I hurry to the nightstand to check it, only to see a text sent from Jungkook.

Jungkook: I promise I'll bring the cctv footage. I love you. I can practically hear him say these words in his soothing voice that makes me feel warm inside. All I want to do is take his hand and pull him close to me. I want to hug him tightly, kiss him and tell him I love him as many times as he wants until my feelings for him will remain engraved in his mind and heart.

I don't want him to ever forget that. 

It doesn't matter whether he will retrieve the footage or not. It doesn't matter whether he will show it to the university or whether everyone around me knows about us. I'm not saying that I'll still be content when everything goes downhill for me when Seokjin decides to punish me after this, but what I do know is that my feelings for him won't fade away to nothingness. 

I will always love him.

And I know it for sure that he will do anything for me no matter how risky or perilous the situation. That's his way of reciprocating.   

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