6 | don't look at him

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The weekend comes and goes in a haze. The sound of the alarm shrieking forces me to open my eyes. I get up from my bed and lazily make my way to the shower. I turn on the water and let it run for a while until it becomes scorching hot. I go under the shower and let the hot water rain down on my body. I squeeze some soap and rub it on my sponge so that it becomes foamy. I spread it all over my skin and then I go under the water to cleanse myself from all the soap, worries, regrets and Jungkook-like thoughts. I try to forget everything that happened on Friday and move past it. He already took what he wanted from me, my dignity and I can't fight back because if I do, the consequences will be worse.

I get out with a white towel wrapped around my torso and head back to my room to get dressed. I put on a white shirt, a gray plaited skirt and my high red converses. I let my hair down and wear minimal makeup. Then I grab my bag pack and jacket and wait for Yoongi to pick me up. We usually carpool to school.

I hear a double honk from outside and leave my house. Yoongi waves at me from inside his car.

When I hop in he asks "Hey bitch, how was your weekend?"

So awful that I want to crawl into a hole and die, I want to say. "It was fine." I reply dryly and remember how Jungkook forced his cock in my mouth. I shake my head and Yoongi looks at me weirdly.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing why?" I evade.

He shrugs. "Dunno, you just seem tense."

Is it really that obvious?

"You'd tell me if some thing's wrong right?" Yoongi says keeping his eyes on the road.



When I see him my heart stops beating and all my worries dissolve into thin air. There's no Jungkook, no financial difficulties, no hardships. There's only him. I stare at the hottest guy in the entire university and my legs turn into jelly just by looking at him.

Park Jimin.

I've been infatuated with him for a couple of months now, ever since he transfered with his asshole friend Jungkook and Taehyung. He's so beautiful that all I can think about when he's in the same room as me is how much I want to crush my lips onto his luscious ones and how much I want to perform with him as my only audience.

The last part is never going to happen. The performing part. It's nothing but a far fetched fantasy.

God he's so hot.

"Easy there with the drool." Yoongi says jerking me back to reality. "I might as well bring a bucket."

"Shut up." I snap and our lecturer is glaring daggers at us.

"Sorry," we both say at the same time like dummies.

"Okay now I'm going to divide you into teams of two." Professor Lee says and I snort.

"It's me and you then." I whisper at Yoongi.

"You are all obligated to pair with someone new." Professor Lee adds after a while and I curse silently.

Now I'm going to pair up with some idiot who will bail on me on our meetings and I'll be the one who finishes the project. My eyes wander around in the auditorium while professor Lee calls out names and I find Jimin sitting with Jungkook at the furthest end of our row.

Please pair me with Jimin! I silently pray.

"Ms Thorne..." Professor Lee mutters "and Mr Jeon is the next team."

I choke on my spit. What the hell?

I look over at Jungkook in disbelief. His coal eyes find mine and he grins like a pirate. Out of all the fifty students in this classroom why him? Lady Luck must hate my guts. But I'm not backing down now. I can't do the project with Jungkook. Who knows what he'll try to pull off while we work alone.

I raise my hand.

"Yes, Ms Thorne." Proffesor Lee groans annoyed. "Let me guess you want to switch partners."

"Yes, professor." I say.

"And why is that dare I ask?" He chimes.

I take a deep breath. "Jungkook and I aren't compatible." I say and I can hear him cough a laugh. I glimpse over at him and he gives me a warning look. I ignore him and proceed with my argument. "We don't even like each other and pairing us together is just going to trigger things. Please Mr Lee let me switch partners for the sake of the project and world peace?" I say.

I can feel that Jungkook is ready to explode from the sustained laughter. His face is red.

"No, Ms Thorne. You're not in kindergarten." He retorts.

Oh well I'm fucked now.


When class ends I leave the auditorium completely and utterly frustrated. Now I have to make a film about an inspirational subject with my tormenter. I'm doomed to fail this semester.

I drop my books off at my locker and when I slam it close, Jungkook is leaning against the metal doors with a devil may care smile.

"You can gloat someplace else Jungkook," I say. "I'm not going to work on this assignment with you."

"Says who?"

"Cut the shit." I snap. "I know you hate my guts so let's just be open and make a request to Mr Lee to let us switch."

Jungkook flashes me a sceptical look. "How about no?"

"Fuck off." I say and when I turn around to walk away from him he grabs me by both arms and slams me against the rows of lockers.

"Do I need to remind you that I know your dirty little secret?" He says and my insides tremble.

"Jungkook, let me go." I say trying to pull away from him.

"I bet you wanted to team up with Jimin right?" He inquires and my eyes widen at his statement. "I've seen how you look at him doll. And I'm warning you, don't you dare look at him like that again."

"Who are you my warren?" I snap and I can feel his hand on my thigh under my skirt.

"No, Eye Candy." he chuckles. "But you're my dirty little slut. My stripper. Only for my eyes to see."

I gulp at what he just said. How am I supposed to respond to that?

"I'm warning you Eye Candy. Don't you look at Jimin again." He warns.

My defense mechanism wall is up now. "Aw, afraid I'll steal your man?" I say sarcastically.

But Jungkook just laughs. "That smart mouth of yours..." he mumbles. "I wonder what it looks like wrapped around my cock."

I clench my fists at his comeback.

"Oh wait." he grins. "You already did that. On Friday. At the Golden Closet."

I don't say anything.

"Cat got your tongue?" He asks and I bite my lip furious.

"Thought so."

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