52 | hater: min yoongi

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I stare at her aghast.

I don't dare to say a thing.

Maybe I thought I heard her say that word because I wanted to hear it. I mean it could be just wishful thinking.



Elena draws in a breath and bites her lip, a playful smile lingering on her bright face. "I want to be with you." She says and I get off the couch. I carefully pace towards her, my eyes wide in shock.

"You want to be with me?" I rasp.

"Why? Is it that surprising?" She counters. Her hand finds mine and our fingers intertwine.

Definitely. "Yes."

"Well I want you to be my boyfriend." She continues. There it is she says it again. "Come on you had to know that I'd say yes."

"Actually, I didn't." I tell her truthfully.


"Because I hurt you." And I probably will again because I'm stupid.

"Well that's in the past." She chimes. "Plus, you're trying so hard to be good it's adorable. I admire your self control."

She stands on tip toes and her eyes focus on my mouth. I lick my lips just to see how she'll react and her lips form a pouty 'o'.

I softly brush my lips against hers. Her free hand feels up my arm, my shoulder and then my neck as she plays with my hair. I suck on her bottom lip and she hums in response then deepens the kiss. Her tongue finds mine immediately, our soft tissues of wet muscle engaging in a little dance while I press her harder against the wall. She groans and we break the kiss as my lips latch onto her neck. I suck onto her milky skin savoring her sweet taste and reveling at the fact that she is now mine.

My hand slips under her shirt and she gasps when my fingers trace her covered breast while our fingers are still intertwined on the other side. She tightens her grip around me and her mouth falls open when I lick a stripe starting from the area of her neck that meets her shoulder to her collarbone. Her chest is heaving and seeing her like this, so sensitive and vulnerable by such a simple touch makes me want to devour her.

"More," she breathes and I kiss her lips. My hand is under her shirt teasing her nipple through her bra. "Touch me."

"Say it nicely." I say against her full lips. Her eyes are closed, her cheeks flushed and her thighs are squeezed together. I split them apart with my leg and press my thigh against her crotch. She whines in response and sucks in a breath.

I plant a kiss behind her ear. "What are you waiting for?" I suck on her earlobe and her hand leaves my neck and fists my shirt.


"Please what?" I say in a whisper.

"Daddy," she manages. "Please make me feel good."

Even her voice makes me hard.

I kiss her neck and smile against her skin. "Be a good girl for daddy and hold your shirt up." I say while lifting her shirt up and she holds it with both hands. I pull down the lacy cups of her bra revealing her small breasts. I kiss her flesh and run my tongue over her nipple. I blow on it and she hisses. The bud hardens and I repeat the same on her other breast before kissing down to her belly as I work my hands on the button of her jeans.

That's when a knock on the door thunders and startles us.

"Fuck," Elena mutters under her breath.

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