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Jungkook's POV

The feeling of my arm becoming numb causes me to stir in bed as Elena's body is curled up right next to me. Rays of sunlight graze my eyelids and caress my skin delicately when I try to turn the other way, only I can't quite move, because of this weight that is pressuring my arm gently.

My eyes flutter open to the sight of my girlfriend's head resting on my arm, the overwhelming sensation of having a thousand needles poking me from under my skin making me groan as I try my best not to wake her up when I gently raise her head to pull back my arm. A bruising pain lingers on the muscle from her head restricting my circulation all night, but it's bearable and so damn worth it. Her dark curls broke free while we were sleeping, from the elastic band that secured her hair in a bun and now it flows like a chocolate cataract, covering her face, protecting it from daylight. The sun rays that get caught in her curly strands light up a warm auburn shade that makes me want to touch it. Her hair is like a long curtain where my fingers get practically swallowed as I tuck those lively spirals behind her ear. As soon as the light touches her skin, a faint blush appears on her cheekbones and I smile at how calm she looks.

She's beautiful.

She's the fragile beam that lights up my life, I can't lose her.

And I don't want to hurt her again.

I need to become better, in order for this to work.

My eyes scrutinize her rosy lips and I notice a drool stain that starts from the corner of her mouth, leaving a visible trail all the way to her jaw and I can't contain the quietest laugh that escapes my lips. She looks so adorable sleeping in my jacket, her hair all messy and chaotic with that drool stain on her face. I extend my hand to her side to retrieve my cell phone from the pocket of my jacket and she doesn't move an inch.

She's sleeping like a corpse.

That's when I snap a picture of her face, then frantically move my legs up and down, overjoyed with the cute yet embarrassing picture I obtained. Elena took multiple pictures of me when I was drunk at the Empire Hotel, acting like a total freak-show and what can I say... payback is a bitch. The bed starts creaking because of my abrupt movements, so I stop and leave her bedroom. I decide to do something useful around here while she's sound asleep. Lucky for us we don't have any morning classes today, which means that she can sleep in and rest without worrying about missing any lectures or running late.

As I shut the door behind me, I notice Elena' duffel bag at the far end of the room, the one she uses when she goes to work at the Golden Closet and that's when I remember why I came here. The manager at the sleazy nightclub mentioned that by the end of the week, she would probably stop working there.

That was so out of the blue.

Why would she suddenly stop working at the Golden Closet though? I highly doubt that she was fired considering that she's far more seductive and sexier than any of the women in that place and I am not so sure that Elena would actually quit that job.

Not unless she got a better offer that is.

I guess that if she got a new job opportunity, that would be incomparably better than having an entire room filled with eyes that objectify her, I think to myself as I gather ingredients from her fridge to make us some breakfast. I start by turning on the stove and heat up the cast iron skillet I find in one of the cabinets. Then I pour some olive oil and wait for it to turn runny before I crack open two eggs. Once the egg white begins to set I use a fork to pop the white that is closer to the yolk, because the gooey slimy texture is utterly disgusting. Once the sunshine eggs are done, I place them on a plate, careful not to break the yolks and then proceed to fry my own eggs and some bacon.

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