111 | i love you

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Later that night, we all part ways and Jungkook gives me a ride back to my apartment. During the drive all I can seem to focus on are the purple bruises that have formed on his knuckles. 

The skin on the roof of his hand has acquired this discoloration from the bruising and I can tell that it's swelling. Bloodstains cover his fingers and it's obvious that punching Daniel back at the alley, caused his knuckles to bleed under the skin and especially the knuckle on his pinky since it's the weakest joint. When we get back to my apartment, I'll make sure to patch him up.

Leaning onto his back, I tighten my grip around his waist as I reminisce all the series of events that occured tonight, starting from when Taehyung entered Amantes with Jimin and all the fun we had drinking and playing pool, up until Jungkook dragged me behind a food truck to tell me that he suspected someone was following us.

And then my mind goes back to when Jungkook finally confronted Daniel back at the alley near campus, but the way he did it was completely twisted and ethically wrong. He literally beat him down to the curb and stepped on his throat in order to force the truth out of him and while I was concentrated on the fact that someone was in fact following us and Jungkook's intuition was correct after all, I couldn't help but get horrified by the heinous sight ahead of me. 

Even though I was aware of the fact that he has had outbursts like this before, seeing him act like this in person increased my fear and my concerns. For a moment there, I even thought of the slightest possibility of him suddenly getting infuriated at me during an argument and instead of having a normal conversation, he would result into using violence.

I know that he would never raise his hand on me and I understand the fact that he everything he did was to protect me, but still; I can't seem to get it out of my head. The way he harshly grabbed Daniel by his hoodie, then shaped his hand into a fist and shoving him against the wall. And after that he continued punching him until both of them were out of breath.

Even the way he spoke today was different too. There was a certain edge to his voice that I've never heard before and a sliver of a smile that lingered on his lips when his heel was pressed against Daniel's neck that made me think that he actually reveled in hurting him. If that's the case, then that's seriously fucked up and we definitely have to discuss this.

I can't let this slip away.

When we finally reach the street near my neighborhood, Jungkook finally parks his motorcycle right outside of my house and tells me to get off. When I take off the helmet, he helps to pull it off my head and casts it aside. He doesn't remove his though and as soon as he starts the engine, I put my hand over his.

"Do you want to come upstairs?" I ask him. "It's been a long night and I'm scared to be alone."

Truthfully, I'm scared to be alone with him right now, but we have to talk about what happened tonight.

Jungkook takes off his helmet and sweeps his hair up, revealing a faint mark on his cheek. "Okay."

Together, we enter the apartment and go up four flights of stairs. As soon as I unlock the door, I walk inside and he comes in after me, shutting it behind him. I toss my keys on the coffee table in the living room then head to the kitchen for a bottle of water. After popping it open, I take a long sip and then I see Jungkook approach me in the dark room. He leans his body against the kitchen table with crossed arms and his dark eyes have now returned to their normal glimmering state, little stars twinkling inside twin black holes completely ripping apart the relentless and the malevolent expression he embodied not too long ago. 

"Are you hurting?" I ask, gesturing at his hands. 

He gulps. "Feels a little numb." I open my freezer and bring out a pack of frozen peas, then give it to him to put on his hand. "Thanks." He smiles and then I head inside the bathroom to retrieve the emergency kit. I hand him some ibuprofen and a glass of water and he swallows down the anti-inflammatory drug.

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