39 | texting him in the toilet

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for me this is the funniest chapter I've written so far. i hope u enjoy it as much as i did... i don't have a sense of humor.

please forgive me for what you're about to read. but this is mostly for my entertainment so...

Joy munches on her barbecue chips when she suddenly gets up from the sofa. "Man, my squirrel' bladder is gonna burst with all that beer. I'm gonna go pee." She says and excuses herself.

Honestly, I need to pee badly too.

"I'm going to the guest bathroom." I call out to her as I lift myself off her leather sofa. I take my cellphone with me to the bathroom since I have five beers in my system. I make my way to my haven when I shut the door behind me and do my business. I let out a relieved sigh.

"Easy girl, you aren't djing the vj in there eh?" Joy calls from the other bathroom.

Holy shit, I forgot that her bathroom isn't soundproof.

"Don't you have anything better to do other than butt in my private business?" I inquire and she breathes out a laugh.

"Girl I'll spend a long time in here and I forgot my phone. That spicy Chinese food we ordered is gonna make me shoot rockets out of my ass." Joy says. "No pun intended."

I giggle at her hilarious choice of words. "Too much information."

My phone suddenly vibrates in my hold and I turn it on only to see a private message on instagram sent by Jungkook.

Jungkook: hey

Me: hi

I grin to myself at the fact that Jungkook just texted me for the first time. That means that he spared time to search for my own account in order to contact me. I don't know why that made me feel all warm and giddy all of a sudden.

"Why did you stop talking?" Joy asks from the other side.

But I just brace myself on the toilet seat and wait for Jungkook to text me back.

"I think I need to take a shit too." I reply.

"Okay, too much information." She says mimicking my voice when my phone vibrates again.

I turn on my phone and the screen lights up a selfie of Jungkook in a black tee sitting on a chair looking drop dead gorgeous as usual. His raven hair frames his baby face as it curls up towards the end, his charcoal eyes aren't really focused on the camera and I find that adorable along with his pouty lips. He's munching on an apple and a squeal leaves my mouth. He looks so fucking adorable!

 He looks so fucking adorable!

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I text him, looking good. What's up?

Jungkook texts back, did you just say I'm handsome?

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