77 | dance with me

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Elena's POV

It has been quite a while ever since Yoongi and I hung out one to one and truth to be told, I missed his company. Ever since the exam period was over, Yoongi spent most of his time either working in the studio or studying and he dedicated his leisure time to Joy which is something I'm happy about. He even started going to the gym to stretch those thin muscles of his. He won't admit to me that he has feelings for her, even though she's the reason why he finally started actually taking care of himself.

There are times when I feel left out though, because both of my best friends are dating each other and we haven't gotten a chance to hang out, the three of us just yet. I missed having game night with Yoongi in my living room where we would play Overwatch for hours on the PS4 we bought together and the loser paid for takeout.

After classes I would typically finish my assignments in the library and then head back home or at Joy's before going to work. Joy even let me study at her place for as long as I needed and of course there was no chance for me to turn that offer down, because of the free food and her homemade kimchi that made me take a quick and long lasting trip to the bathroom.

Things were a little shaky between us ever since we talked about the 'library' situation and after some deep thought, I concluded that it was wrong of me to flat out lie to Yoongi about her job. Because of my insecurities, Joy was forced to lie with me and this relationship they have going on is one of the best things that has happened to them. I don't want to ruin that by breaking their trust from the very first moment.

I have to tell Yoongi the truth about Joy.

My plan is to call him and tell him to meet me for dinner outside campus. Fortunately, I have enough money to get food for both of us. Perhaps, me treating him out will help ease the situation of having his girlfriend lie to him about her profession the very moment they met.

I dial Yoongi's number as soon as I exit the library after three hours of writing a damn paper that is due for next week and he picks up right away.

"Hey babe," he says, "what's up?"

"Hi Yoongs, are you free right now?" I ask him while descending the stairs. "I was thinking we could go grab something to eat. My treat!" I add a little too enthusiastic.

"I would love to grab dinner with you, but I can't right now." He replies and I sigh disappointed. But then he says, "How about we hang in the evening?"

"Sounds like a plan."

"I'll give you a call later babe."

When I hang up, I receive a text from Jimin.

P. Jimin: are you busy right now?

I type my response in and send it to him.

Me: not really, just got out of the library

I put my phone in my pocket but it rings with another incoming message from him.

P. Jimin: I'll pick you up in 10.

I'm not sure how I feel about how he leaves me no space to argue with him with those direct responses of his. Even though I don't quite know Jimin very well, his persuasive nature and straightforward attitude are the most intense highlights of his character. Those traits are admirable, but they could potentially bring him into a difficult position. I'm sure there are more sides to Park Jimin that I haven't quite ventured yet and honestly at this point I don't really know what to expect.

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