5 | on your knees

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"I don't remember telling you my real name." Jungkook says sharply.

Shit, how stupid and foolish can I possibly be to actually touch myself in front of Jungkook of all people! What's worse is that I sincerely enjoyed it and I craved for more. And for God's sake I blew my cover in the worst way possible! I should have left when I got my chance. Seriously, what had gotten into me! I mean I already knew that this man radiated trouble so why did I even engage with him like this!

I quickly snatch my thong and put it on. The wet fabric clings onto my lower lips and it's uncomfortable. Then I clip my corset and try to get up but Jungkook pulls me forcefully by my arm.

"Let me go!" I hiss and his eyes widen.

"I'm going to give you a chance to tell me who you are." Jungkook says warningly.

I slap his hand off of me. "I said let me go!" I grit. "Fifteen minutes are up. Leave."

"I don't think so." He says lowly. "Tell me who you are Eye Candy."

"Jungkook just-" He interrupts me. His eyes widen in realization. "Elena?" he whispers. Damn, he recognized my voice.

Oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm so screwed. Why? How could I have been so impulsive and reckless?

"Not a word of this to anyone." I say and walk to the door. My legs are wobbly and I almost fall down because of the heels.

But Jungkook just laughs and says "I don't think that you're the one who makes the rules now."

I freeze on the spot. What does he want from me now?

I can hear Jungkook's footsteps from behind. "You are my pet now." He whispers in my ear.

I tilt my neck and face him. "Fuck you."

He chuckles wickedly. "I bet you'd want that now Eye Candy." When he says that I can feel his hot breath on my ear and it sends shivers down my spine. "Care to enlighten me why you agreed to come here?"

"I had no idea it was you." I spit. "If you gave me further notice then trust me I wouldn't be here now."

Jungkook just raises his brows and I can feel his hands on my waist. "I think that you don't regret it one bit." He says and I don't have to look at him in order to know that he's grinning arrogantly. His fingers run all over my figure, tracing every curve. My heartbeat accelerates and I try to control my breathing. How is it that he can make me pant with a simple touch? I don't even like this guy.

His hands travel to my front, under the swell of my breasts and then they go downwards brushing against my navel. He isn't even touching my skin and I'm breathing heavily. Then his hand reaches my middle. I want to tell him to stop but not a word comes out from my mouth. But when he slips his fingers inside my drenched thong I suck in a breath. His digits caress my outer lips. Damn him he's teasing me. I try to pull away but his free hand is hooked on my hip gluing me onto his body.

"Don't move." He says and inserts a finger inside me. I gasp and my head falls onto his shoulder while grinding my hip on his finger.

He chuckles and stirs inside my walls. The feeling is good but it's not enough. I need more. I groan frustrated and he draws his digit out. The fucker is teasing me. He's getting on my nerves.

"Someone's getting greedy." He smirks.

"I-just go." I sigh but he turns me around.

"I'm not done with you." He says.

I make a sour face. "Well, guess what? I am." I snap.

He chuckles again and then his face turns dark. "Do I need to remind you that I know your dirty little secret and if you disobey me I won't hesitate to expose you?"

I swallow hard. He can't do that. I know he's an arrogant asshole but surely he can't be that bad right? He can't just blackmail me like that. He can't be that evil.

"I'm not the person you think I am Elena." He says. "I'm a hundred times worse than what you're picturing."

"What do you want?" I ask. "Why are you being like this!"

"For now," he starts, his voice deep "I want you on your knees and finish what you started."

He lowers his pants and his large member springs free.

"Deep down you know you want it." He chimes.

"I don't." I do. What the fuck is wrong with me?

He shrugs. "Keep telling yourself lies sweetheart I don't care. Now get on your knees and suck my cock."

I don't know what I want anymore. But one thing's for sure. I can't let him expose me.

I bend down and lick the tip. He hisses and I look up at him.

"Did I tell you to stop?" He inquires. Then he grabs me by my hair only to pull off the platinum wig. I'm left in the skin colored cap. Jungkook removes it and my dark brown waves cascade on my waist. This time he makes a knot around his fist with my real hair and he forces his dick in my mouth. I suck on his enormous member and bop my head. My gag reflexes take place as I breathe from my nose. Pre-cum leaks from the tip. "Suck harder." He grits and I obey submissively.

Why does the freak inside me enjoy this?

I suck his cock harder and use my tongue to swipe the salty liquid from the tip. His erection is growing to the point that I can't breathe. But Jungkook fucks my mouth mercilessly and forces me to deep throat him. Tears run down my eyes and I didn't even realize I was even welling up. He groans and grabs my throat applying some pressure. I can't breathe and I curse myself for the muffled sounds I make. I hate being helpless and weak at someone else's mercy.

I grip Jungkook's leather jacket as he continues to pound in my mouth. "I'll come inside your mouth and you're going to swallow every single drop." It's not a question. He looks at my teary eyes and with one more thrust he empties his seed in my mouth. He doesn't pull out until he confirms that I swallowed all of his cum.

When he removes his member from my mouth, a string of saliva mixed with his fluids is gleaming in the dark room. I'm the first who pulled away breathing heavily and panting. My eyes are still teary, a hot river burning trails on my face. I bet I look like shit right now with all the mascara and foundation melting off my face.

"Look at you, so pathetic so helpless with tears and my cum all over that pretty face." Jungkook says. "Remember now, you're mine. And if you hesitate to do as I tell you, your secret is gonna go out in the open. Understand pet?"

I sniffle and nod. God, I hate him.

"I want words." He says and I look up at him. I want to tell him off but it's no use. What can I possibly do? I look like a whore right now and he won't take me seriously no matter what I say or do.

"I understand." I say and his lips tilt into a wicked smile.

"Good," Jungkook smirks. "Until next time Eye Candy." He then throws me a handful of cash and that makes me feel a lot worse.

When he exits the room I collapse on the floor and cry.

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