21 | the way he likes me

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"I wouldn't say I don't like you." Jungkook says lowly, his long fingers wrapped around my hand transferring his own warmth into my core. My free hand is tightened around the doorknob as I glance on the floor beneath me. He's so confusing, why can't he be straightforward just this once?

"Care to elaborate?" I inquire, sarcasm laced in my voice.

But instead of answering Jungkook yanks my hand so hard that he pulls me back into his embrace. His mouth finds mine and here we go back to square one.

He kisses me with such drive, such passion, as if he can't breathe without my lips on his. I fall back a little and my back hits a switch on the wall that causes the lights to flick off. The spark in me ignites and I know it in my heart, there's no going back.

His tall figure towers over mine, as his hands slip into my hair, his fingers tangling through the follicles while I kiss him back eagerly. My hands snake down to his shirt and I pull it up with determination. Breaking the mouthwatering kiss Jungkook grabs onto the collar of his shirt and pulls it off of him exposing his amazing body, but I notice some marks that are hard to decipher on the surface of his chest. He's so fucking beautiful.

Moonlight seeps into the dark room through the thin curtains flashing down upon his porcelain skin lighting it on fire. His coal black eyes are so dark-I can barely tell the pupils from the irises apart, his raven hair frames his face as it compliments his cheekbones and his sharp jawline. My eyes fall on his lips that are slightly parted and red from the hot makeout session. The upper lip is less thicker than the bottom one. But that doesn't change the fact that I want those lips to worship my body.

"It'd be easier if I showed you." He whispers into my ear as his hands travel from my neck to the back of my top, slowly unbuttoning it like we have all of the time in the world. His lips return on my skin as he kisses my neck delicately before he lowers down to my cheekbone. A stinging pain strucks me all of a sudden but the sensation is bearable-enjoyable. Jungkook fastens the straps of my top off of me and removes it exposing my bare chest to his view. My nipples harden at the sudden change of temperature, but his fingers make their way to the valley of my breasts kneading the two lumbs with care. I moan as he kisses my neck covering the entire area with love bites as he licks and suckles on my flesh. I fasten my hands to his shoulders and tighten my grip onto him as he proceeds pleasuring me by bitting onto me. My panties are already drenched from my arousal and I press my thighs together to relieve myself from some of the pressure.

Jungkook's lips return to mine as he walks me back to the bed, taking my silence as an open invitation. There's a sliver of my conscience clawing at me. It screams that I need to talk this out with him-whatever it is that's going on, but my emotions right now are magnified. I need this sort of sensation to flow through me or I'll explode. Whatever happens after this is on me and to be honest I don't feel the slightest shred of guilt. It terrifies me and excites me at the same time.

My feet reach the edge of the bed and I trip and fall onto the fluffy mattress that smells just like Jungkook. All minty and fresh. He reaches for my left foot and removes my stilleto heel and then does the same with my right. After that he separates my legs and puts his knee in the middle so that I can't close them completely. Jungkook's fingers slip under my short skirt and his thumbs hook on the waistband, slowly dragging the delicate fabric down my legs then casting it away somewhere on the bed. He folds my body in a way that I'm bare and open to him, my skirt ridding up my thighs until it's covering my stomach. I close my eyes embarrassed despite the numerous times we've done this and he puts my legs over his shoulders. I can feel his hot breath on my wet lips when he starts kissing my inner thighs placing love bites on my soft flesh, making me whimper in pleasure. My legs tighten around his head but his hands prevent me from crushing him with my thighs as he continues to kiss me all over the place suddenly reaching my hip bone. His teeth dig into the flesh and he pulls onto the meat making me cry out. Then his hand travels all the way from my hips down to my lower ass cheeks and fingers my slit. I get all wet and neady as I arch my back, my hands reaching for his fluffy raven hair. I run my digits through the chaotic mess as he proceeds kissing my navel area while fingering me simultaneously. His fingers pump inside and out making slippery wet sounds that weirdly enough turn me on and God, do I want him to taste me right now. I would kill for his touch.

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